33.060 Radio communication


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GOST 16019-78
Radio stations for land mobile service. Requirements for mechanical and environmental resistance and test methods
Price: $1,409.48
GOST 18832-73
Range navigation radiotechnical system. Terms and definitions
GOST 24214-80
Loudspeaker communications. Terms and definitions
Price: $217.00
GOST 24375-80
Radio communication. Terms and definitions
Price: $622.00
GOST 24695-81
Signal-conversion equipment for radio voice-frequency channels. Types and basic parameters
Price: $283.00
GOST 32449-2013
Global navigation satellite system. Civil local area reference integrity monitoring station. Technical requirements
Price: $151.00
GOST 32450-2013
Global navigation satellite system. Navigation equipment for automobile transport. Technical requirements
Price: $151.00
GOST 464-79
Grounds for stationary telegraph and telephone installations, wire-broadcasting distribution points, radio-relay stations and CATV antennas. Resistance norms
Price: $250.00
GOST IEC 60065-2011
Audio, video and similar electronic apparatus. Safety requirements
Price: $2,014.00
GOST R 50590-93
Signal conversion equipment for switched and unswitched voice frequency channels. Methods tests
Price: $201.00
GOST R 50725-94
Sound broadcasting picture channels connecting line. Basic parameters. Methods of measurements
Price: $217.00
GOST R 50860-2009
Aircrafts and helicopters. Antenna feeder devices of connection, navigation, landing and air traffic control. General technical requirements, parameters, methods of measurements
Price: $1,051.00
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