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33.060.40 Cable Distribution Systems

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GOST 23474-79
Cable apparatus. General technical requirements, acceptance rules and test methods
Price: $430.00
GOST EN 50083-2-2015
Cable distribution systems for transmitting television, sound signals and interactive services. Part 2. Electromagnetic compatibility of equipment
GOST EN 50529-1-2014
EMC standard for telecommunications networks. Part 1. Wire-line telecommunications networks using telephone wires
Price: $217.00
GOST EN 50529-2-2014
EMC standard for telecommunications networks. Part 2. Wire-line telecommunications networks using coaxial cables
Price: $283.00
GOST IEC 60728-11-2014
Cable networks for television signals, sound signals and interactive services. Part 11. Safety
Price: $808.00
GOST R 51799-2001
High power radio frequency connectors. Basic parameters and technical requirements. Methods of tests and measurements
Price: $283.00
GOST R 58020-2017
Community antenna television systems for terrestrial digital television broadcasting. General parameters, technical requirements, measurement and testing methods
Price: $606.00
OST 45-01-86
Cable transmission lines of unified computer-based message system primary network. Elementary cable sections and cable section of analog and digital transmission systems standards.
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