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33.060.20 Receiving and transmitting equipment

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GOST 13420-79
Transmitters for point-to-point radio communication. Basic parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurements
Price: $414.00
GOST 13924-80
Stationary broadcast transmitters. Main parameters, technical requirements and methods of measurement
Price: $1,230.00
GOST 14662-83
Radiotelegraph channel receiving-transmitting equipment
Price: $267.00
GOST 14663-83
Point-to-point radio communication mf hf receivers
Price: $869.00
GOST 16600-72
Speech transmission over the radio communication. Requirements for speech legibility and methods of articulation measurements
Price: $1,465.00
GOST 17168-82
Octave and one-third-of-octave electronic filters
Price: $333.00
GOST 20532-83
Television radio transmitters of I-V bands. Basic parameters, technical requirements and measuring methods
Price: $653.00
GOST 21535-76
Ranging and hyperbolic radio navigation fixing system. Terms and definitions
Price: $168.00
GOST 22511-88
Photomultipliers. Basic dimensions
Price: $134.00
GOST IEC 60050-713-2017
International Electrotechnical Dictionary. Part 713. Radio communications: receivers, transmitters, networks and their operating modes
Price: $1,051.00
GOST IEC 60050-723-2017
International Electrotechnical Dictionary. Chapter 723. Broadcasting: sound, television, data transmission
Price: $1,436.00
GOST R 50829-95
Safety of radio stations. Radio equipment containing transceivers and their elements. General requirements and test methods
Price: $562.00
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