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1.2. Documents for design and construction of artificial structures

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GOST R 59178-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Bridges and pipes. Work production rules. Conformity assessment
Price: $1,066.00
GOST R 59200-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Bridges and pipes. Overhaul, repair and maintenance. Technical rules
Price: $762.00
GOST R 59202-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Tunnels. Technical rules for overhaul, repair and maintenance
Price: $1,006.00
GOST R 59203-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Tunnels. Requirements for the design of the ventilation system
Price: $526.00
GOST R 59206-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Tunnels. Fire safety requirements
Price: $398.00
GOST R 59207-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Tunnels. Requirements for water supply and sewerage systems
Price: $283.00
GOST R 59327.1-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Polyurethane binder for strengthening the slopes of excavations, embankments, embankments of bridge structures. Technical conditions
Price: $349.00
GOST R 59327.2-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Polyurethane binder. Test methods
Price: $398.00
GOST R 59610-2021
Automobile roads for general use. Pedestrian crossings at different levels. General requirements. Accommodation rules
Price: $217.00
Letter 05-32/48835
On consideration of the appeal
Letter 05-32/48836
On consideration of the appeal
ODN 218.010-98
Guidelines for the Design, Construction, and Operation of Ice Crossings
Price: $805.00
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