System of design documents for construction. Conditional graphic symbols and images of elements of master plans and transport structures
Public roads. Bridge structures. Rules for the arrangement of staircases and operating facilities
On the application and publication of ODM "Guidelines for the commissioning of capital construction and overhaul facilities"
On evaluation of the results of engineering surveys
On the application of the normative and technical document to replace the defunct ODM 218.3.032-2013 "Methodological recommendations for strengthening the structural elements of roads with spatial geogrids (geocells)".
About application of the normative and technical document instead of lost force ODM 218.3.105-2018 "Methodical recommendations on the organization of interaction of participants of development of design and working documentation on pilot projects of construction, overhaul and reconstruction of highways with the use of BIM-technology".
On specification of the status of the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated September 10, 2002, N OS-754-r
Manual on the design of steel structures of overhead power lines (VL) power transmission towers and outdoor switchgears (outdoor switchgear) of substations with voltages above 1 kV
Strength Design Guide for Steel Structures
Steel Structural Engineering Tutorial
Methodical recommendations for hydraulic calculations of spiral metal corrugated pipes
About the Procedure for assessing the technical condition of highways