Keyword: pressure measurement

Product Matches
Name Summary SKU
GOST 30129-96 Weight-measuring tensoresistor sensors RUSS16490
GOST 9500-84 Portable standard dynamometers RUSS16527
GOST 27735-94 Domestic scales RUSS16553
GOST 27758-88 Vacuum gauges RUSS16757
GOST 9921-81 Tire hand-operated pressure gauges RUSS17233
GOST 15807-93 Wire-line pressure gauges RUSS17335
GOST 30124-94 Weight meters and weighing batchers of continuous action RUSS17672
GOST 13837-79 General purpose dynamometers RUSS17960
GOST 24104-88 General purpose and reference laboratory balances RUSS18156
GOST 28836-90 Resistive strain-gauge RUSS18388
GOST 13717-84 Pressure-operated indicating electrical-contact instruments RUSS18711
GOST 22520-85 Pressure, pressure difference and vacuum transmitters with electrical analog output signals gsp RUSS18820
GOST 18140-84 SSI differential pressure gauges. General specifications. RUSS19033
GOST 8291-83 Back pressure piston gages RUSS19067
GOST 29329-92 Balance for static weightings RUSS19238
GOST 22521-85 Pressure, vacuum and pressure difference transmitters with pneumatic analogue output signal of gsp (state system of industrial devices and automation systems) RUSS19722
GOST 2405-88 Pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, pressure-vacuum gauges, pressure meters, draft gauges and draft-pressure gauges RUSS19916
GOST 30462-97 Electrical dynamic vibrobench of broad-band random vibration General specifications. RUSS44354
GOST 22725-77 Reference high pressure manganin gauges. Technical requirements RUSS49538
GOST 8.005-82 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Belt-conveyer continuous weighed. Methods and means of verification RUSS50912
GOST 13675-68 Butterprobe weight. Methods and means of verification RUSS51379
GOST 13782-68 General-purpose spring dynamometers. Methods and means of verification RUSS51516
GOST 13591-68 Potatoprobe weight. Methods and means of verification RUSS52166
GOST 8.017-79 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State primary standard and all-union verification schedule for means measuring pressure up to 250 MPa RUSS52412
GOST 8.187-76 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The state special standard and all-union verification schedule for means of measurements of the difference of pressures up to 4·10 in 4 degree Pa RUSS52417
GOST R 54108-2010 Vacuum equipment. Vapour vacuum pumps. Measurement of performance characteristics. Part 2. Measurement of ultimate pressure and critical backing pressure RUSS52551
GOST 14017-68 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Force-measuring standard machines of 2 grade. Methods and means of verification RUSS53033
GOST 8.541-86 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State primary standard and state verification schedule for means measuring torque of force RUSS53143
GOST 8.501-84 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State special standard and state verification schedule for means of measuring instruments of periodical pressure over the range 1-250 MPa at frequencies up to 10 kHz RUSS53198
GOST R 51553-99 Textiles. Determination of resistance to water penetration. Hydrostatic pressure test RUSS53645
GOST 8.107-81 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State special standard and all-union verification schedule for means measuring absolute pressure within the range of 1·10 in minus 8 degree up to 1·10 in 3 degree Pa RUSS53754
GOST 8.065-85 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State primary standard and state verification schedule for force measuring instruments RUSS53760
GOST 8.433-81 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State special standard and state hierarchy diagram for variable pressure measuring instruments in the range of 1·10 in 2 degree to 1·10 in 6 degree Pa for frequencies of 5·10 in minus 2 degree to 1·10 in 4 degree Hz, durations from 1·10 in minus 5 degree to 10 s under constant pressure up to 5·10 in 6 degree Pa RUSS53820
GOST 14004-68 Lever balance of general use. Limits of weighing. Norms of accuracy RUSS54037
GOST 8.094-73 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State special standard and all-union verification schedule for means, measuring pressure with upper limits from 10000·10 in 5 degree up to 40000·10 in 5 degree Pa RUSS54304
GOST 3779-55 Copper sticks for crushers RUSS55286
GOST 8.223-76 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State special standard and all-union verification for means measuring absolute pressure within the range of 2,7·10 in 2 degree to 4000·10 in 2 degree Pa RUSS55339
GOST 25864-83 Force measuring standard machines of 2 grade. General technical requirements RUSS56440
GOST 14895-69 Standard weight bridge. Methods and means of verification RUSS56621
GOST 8.302-78 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Compensated fluid micromanometers with micrometric screw, type МКВ-250. Methods and means of verification RUSS57194
GOST 30414-96 Weighbridges for weighing of vehicles in motion. General technical requirements RUSS58260
GOST 5.2030-73 A heat, cold and reduced atmospheric pressure chamber КТХБ-К-0,025 - 65/155. Quality requirements for certified products RUSS59163
GOST 8.287-78 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Standard portable dynamometers of the 3-rd grade. Methods and means of calibration RUSS59228
GOST 8.340-78 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Dead-weight tester type МП-0,4 methods and means of verification RUSS59231
GOST 8.453-82 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Balance for static weighting. Methods and means for verification RUSS59237
GOST 1701-75 Automobile pressure gauges and automotive pressure indicators. General specifications RUSS61360
GOST 13718-68 Torque (torsional) balances. Methods and means of verification RUSS62354
GOST 8.096-82 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. The 1-st order micro manometers of МКМ-type. Methods and means of verification RUSS62745
GOST 8.111-74 The state system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Dead-weight compound pressure and vacuum gauges, МВП-2,5 type. Verification methods and means RUSS62746
GOST 8.146-75 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Indicating and recording pressure gauge with integrator of SSI. Methods of verification RUSS62748
GOST 8.240-77 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring transducers for pressure differences with unified current output signals of the SSI. Methods and means of verification RUSS62750
GOST 8.092-73 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Pressure gauges, vacuum pressure gauges, vacuum manometers, draught gauges, delivery head meters and draught head gauges with unified electric (current) output signals. Methods and means of verification RUSS63897
GOST 8.243-77 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Measuring transducers for pressure differences with unified mutual inductance output parameters of the SSI. Methods and means of verification RUSS63903
GOST 8.053-73 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Pressure, combined pressure-vacuum, vacuum, gauges and draught gauges with pneumatic output signals. Methods of verification RUSS64824
GOST 8.052-73 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Differential pressure gauges with pneumatic output. Verification methods and means RUSS65410
GOST 8.479-82 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Piston pressure gauges. Methods and means of verification RUSS69305
GOST R EN 306-2011 Heat exchangers. Methods of measuring the parameters necessary for establishing the performance RUSS70831
GOST 9509-74 Scales and dosimeters. Knife-edges and bearings of steel. General requirements RUSS71341
GOST 8.365-79 State system of ensuring the unity of measurements. Coaxial loads. Methods and means of verification RUSS71406
GOST OIML R 76-1-2011 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic weighing instruments. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests RUSS74123
OST 1-03887-87 Pressure Sensors. General technical requirements RUSS127733
GOST 33242-2015 Scales for weighing vehicles in motion and measuring the axle loads. Metrological and Technical specifications. Testing RUSS208905
GOST 8.646-2015 State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Scales for weighing vehicles in motion and measuring the axle loads. Method for verification RUSS208954
GOST 1011-44 Manometers, volumetric vacuum meters and vacuum meters with a general-purpose tubular spring, technical RUSS222359
GOST 2405-44 Manometers, volumetric vacuum gauges and vacuum gauges. General specifications RUSS239796
GOST 2648-44 Pressure gauges with membrane. General specifications RUSS241059
GOST 955-41 Level gauges, traction gauges and pressure gauges. Limits of measurement RUSS259028
GOST V-1701-42 Manometers autotractor diaphragm. Technical conditions RUSS290461
GOST V-1702-42 Manometers tractor with a tubular spring. Technical conditions RUSS290462
MI 111-76 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Method of verification of exemplary means of measuring low absolute pressure RUSS290653
MI 129-77 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Method of calibration of pressure-gage model pressure gauges with measuring multiplier of accuracy classes 0, 1 and 0, 2 RUSS290662
MI 131-77 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Methods of verification and certification of model manganin resistance pressure gauges for high pressures RUSS290663
MI 140-77 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Method of calibration of vacuum gauges of low absolute pressure RUSS290668
MI 3428-13 State system for ensuring uniformity of measurements. Local testing scheme of Roshydromet for absolute pressure measuring instruments in the range of 2.7 to 4000 hPa RUSS290756

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