
SP 31-111-2004

СП 31-111-2004

The use of glass reinforcing meshes and ribbons in buildings

Применение стеклянных сеток и армирующих лент при строительстве зданий

Status: Effective - Introduced for the first time

Applies to the design and execution of works on the device plastering and filler layers on the exterior and interior enclosing structures of buildings and structures for various purposes, reinforced with glass nets and tapes, with new construction, reconstruction and repair of buildings. This Code of Practice establishes requirements for glass grids and reinforcing tapes, methods for their testing, conditions and rules for their use.

Распространяется на проектирование и выполнение работ по устройству штукатурных и шпатлевочных слоев на наружных и внутренних ограждающих конструкциях зданий и сооружений различного назначения, армированных стеклянными сетками и лентами, при новом строительстве, реконструкции и ремонте зданий. Настоящий Свод правил устанавливает требования к стеклянным сеткам и армирующим лентам, методы их испытаний, условия и правила их применения.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: FSUE CNS, 5/12/2004

SKU: RUSS84057

Price: $534.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions » k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.060 Construction elements » 91.060.99 Other building elements »

The Document References:

GOST 12.0.004-90: Organization of training for labor safety. General rules

GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements

GOST 12.4.021-75: Ventilation systems. General requirements

GOST 14067-91: Textiles. Method for the determination of the degree of distortion

GOST 15902.3-79: Nonwoven fabrics. Methods of strength determination

GOST 25506-82: Textile sheets. Defects. Terms and definitions

GOST 27380-87: Electric insulating structural fiberglass plastic

GOST 28003-88: Defects of textile yarns. Terms and definitions

GOST 29101-91: Textile glass products. Packing, marking, transportation and storage

GOST 29104.0-91: Industrial fabrics. Industrial fabrics. Acceptance rules and sampling method

GOST 3811-72: Textile materials. Textile fabrics, nonwoven fabrics and piece-articles. Methods for determination of linear dimensions linear and surface density

GOST 427-75: Measuring metal rules. Basic parameters and dimensions. Specifications

GOST 6943.0-93: Textile glass. Rules of acceptance

GOST 6943.10-79: Glass textile products. Method for determination of breaking load and elogation at rupture

GOST 6943.11-93: Textile glass. Woven fabrics. Method for determination of conventional flexural stiffness. Fixed angle flexometer method

GOST 6943.12-79: Glass textile products. Method of sagging determination

GOST 6943.15-94: Textile glass. Woven fabrics. Non-woven cloth. Methods for determination of number of yarns per unit length of warp and weft

GOST 6943.16-94: Textile glass. Woven fabrics. Non-woven cloth. Methods for determination of mass per unit area

GOST 6943.17-94: Textile glass. Woven fabrics. Non-woven cloth. Methods for determination of width and length

GOST 6943.18-94: Textile glass. Woven fabrics. Non-woven cloth. Methods for determination of thikness

GOST 6943.1-94: Textile glass. Yarns and rovings. Methods for determination of linear density

GOST 6943.2-79: Methods for determination of filament and fibre diameter

GOST 6943.5-79: Glass textile products. Method of filament rupture stress determination

GOST 6943.8-79: Glass textile products. Method for determination of moisture and substances content ivaporated by tempering

GOST 8420-74: Paint and lacquer materials. Method for determination of relative viscosity

SP 55-101-2000: Fencing structures made with gypsum-cardboard sheets

SP 55-102-2001: Structures made with gypsum fiber sheets

The Document is Referenced By:

SP 163.1325800.2014: The designs with application of gypsum plasterboards and gypsum fiber sheets. Terms of design and installation

SP 71.13330.2017: Insulation and finish coatings

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