
GOST 20493-90

ГОСТ 20493-90

Voltage detectors. General specifications

Указатели напряжения. Общие технические условия

Status: Not effective - Superseded

The standard applies to voltage indicators used in electrical installations of direct and alternating current with voltage up to 1000 V and in electrical installations with alternating current with voltage over 1000 V (up to 220 kV inclusive) with a frequency of 50 Hz, industrial purpose, climatic version U, categories I and GOST 15150, operating at direct contact with live parts (contact).

Стандарт распространяется на указатели напряжения, применяемые в электроустановках постоянного и переменного тока напряжением до 1000 В и в электроустановках переменного тока напряжением свыше 1000 В (до 220 кВ включительно)частотой 50 Гц, производственного назначения, климатического исполнения У, категорий I поГОСТ 15150, работающие при непосредственном прикасании к токоведущим частям (контактные).

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: USSR State Committee for Product Quality and Standards Management, 7/24/1990

SKU: RUSS58800

Price: $217.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

PromExpert » SECTION I. TECHNICAL REGULATION » V Testing and control » 3 Activities of testing laboratories » 3.2 Technical equipment of testing laboratories » 3.2.2 Measuring instruments and test equipment » Instruments for electrical and magnetic measurements »

ISO classifier » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

National standards » 17 METROLOGY AND MEASUREMENTS. PHYSICAL PHENOMENA » 17.220 Electricity. Magnetism. Electrical and magnetic measurements » 17.220.20 Measurement of electrical and magnetic quantities »

National Standards for KGS (State Standards Classification) » Latest edition » E Power and electrical equipment » E0 General rules and regulations for electrical and heat engineering » E07 Occupational Safety »

National Standards for OKSTU » GENERAL PURPOSE INSTRUMENTS AND AUTOMATION » Electrical measuring instruments laboratory and portable analog »

The Document is Replaced With:

GOST 20493-2001: Voltage detectors. General specifications

As a Replacement Of:

GOST 20493-75: Voltage detectors. General technical requirements

The Document References:

GOST 12.3.019-80: Occupational safety standards system. Electrical tests and measurements. General safety requirements

GOST 12496-88: Glass-epoxy-phenol electrotechnical cylinders and tubes

GOST 12997-84: SSI Products. General specifications

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

GOST 18620-86: Electrotechnical articles

GOST 2.601-68: Unified system for design documentation. Exploitative documents

GOST 23216-78: Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods

GOST 2789-73: Surface roughness. Parameters and characteristics

GOST 2991-85: Wooden uncollapsible cases for weights up to 500 kg. General specifications

GOST 8726-88: Electrotechnical paper-Bakelite tubes

GOST 9.302-88: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Control methods

GOST 9.306-85: Unified system of corrosion and ageing protection. Metal and non-metal inorganic coatings. Symbols

The Document is Referenced By:

RD 34.03.603: Requirements of Use and Testing of Protection Means Used in Electrical Installations and Technical Requirements on Them

TsE-750: Safety rules for the operation of the contact network and power supply devices for automatic blocking of railways

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