GOST R 58614-2019
ГОСТ Р 58614-2019
Specialized food products. Determination of fumonisones B1 and B2 in food products for the nutrition of young children based on corn. HPLC method after purification on an immunoaffinity column with pre-column derivatization with fluorimetric detection
Продукция пищевая специализированная. Определение фумонизонов В1 и В2 в пищевой продукции для питания детей раннего возраста на основе кукурузы. Метод ВЭЖХ после очистки на иммуноаффинной колонке с предколоночной дериватизацией с флуориметрическим детектированием
Status: The document is enacted from 01/01/2020. Registration information 844-st dated 11/29/2019 (Rosstandart official website) 04/01/2020
The standard establishes a method for the determination of fumonisins B1 (FV1) and B2 (FV2) in the production of baby food for young children based on corn. For this purpose, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is used with preliminary purification on an immunoaffinity column with fluorimetric detection (FLD) after pre-column derivatization. This method was validated during inter-laboratory tests by studying naturally and artificially contaminated samples with a PV1 and PV2 content of 112 to 458 μg / kg, a PV1 content of 89 to 384 μg / kg and a PV2 content of 22 μg / kg to 74 μg / kg.
Стандарт устанавливает метод определения фумонизинов В1 (ФВ1) и В2 (ФВ2) в продукции детского питания для детей раннего возраста на основе кукурузы. С этой целью используют метод высокоэффективной жидкостной хроматографии (ВЭЖХ) с предварительной очисткой на иммуноаффинной колонке с флуориметрическим детектированием (ФЛД) после предколоночной дериватизациии. Этот метод валидирован в ходе межлабораторных испытаний путем исследования естественно и искусственно загрязненных проб с содержанием ФВ1 и ФВ2 от 112 до 458 мкг/кг, содержанием ФВ1 от 89 до 384 мкг/кг и содержанием ФВ2 от 22 мкг/кг до 74 мкг/кг.
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Approved: Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology,
SKU: RUSS377839
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
PromExpert »
V Testing and control »
4 Testing and control of products »
4.4 Testing and control of food products »
4.4.9 Baby food or dietary products »
ISO classifier »
67.050 General methods for food inspection and analysis »
National standards »
67.050 General methods for food inspection and analysis »
The Document References:
Federal Law 162-FZ: About standardization in the Russian Federation
GOST 12.1.005-88: General sanitary requirements for working zone air
GOST 12.1.007-76: Noxious substances. Classification and general safety requirements
GOST 12.4.021-75: Ventilation systems. General requirements
GOST 12026-76: Filter paper for laboratory application
GOST 1770-74: Laboratory volumetric glassware. Cylinders, beakers, measuring flasks, test tubes. General specifications
GOST 25336-82: Laboratory glassware and equipment. Basic parameters and dimensions
GOST 29227-91: Laboratory glassware. Graduated pipettes. Part 1. General requirements
GOST 33303-2015: Foodstuffs. Sampling methods for determination of mycotoxins
GOST 4517-2016: Reagents. Methods for preparation of accessory reagents and solutions used for analysis
GOST 4919.2-2016: Reagents and matters of special purity. Methods for preparation of buffer solutions
GOST 6709-72: Distilled water. Specifications
GOST 6995-77: Reagents. Methanol-poison. Specifications
GOST EN 13585-2013: Foodstuffs. Determination of fumonisins B1 and B2 in maize. HPLC method with solid phase extraction clean-up
GOST EN 14352-2013: Foodstuffs. Determination of fumonisins B1 and B2 in maize based foods. HPLC method with immunoaffinity column clean up
GOST ISO 7886-1-2011: Sterile hypodermic syringes for single use. Part 1. Syringes for manual use
GOST OIML R 76-1-2011: State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. Non-automatic weighing instruments. Part 1. Metrological and technical requirements. Tests
GOST R 52501-2005: Water for analytical laboratory use. Specifications
GOST R ISO 5725-1-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 1. General principles and definitions
GOST R ISO 5725-2-2002: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results. Part 2. Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard measurement method
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