
RD 153-34.0-35.518-01

РД 153-34.0-35.518-01

Gas protection instruction manual

Инструкция по эксплуатации газовой защиты

Status: Effective

The instruction manual for gas protection is mandatory for employees involved in the commissioning, technical and operational maintenance of gas protection devices in the power systems of the Russian Federation. The instructions describe the principles of operation and the design and technical data of gas and jet relays used in power systems, as well as methods of technical and operational maintenance of protection with these relays. The information on the shut-off valve and the oil level control relay in the expander is given, since these elements are functionally included in the gas protection circuits. The description and technical data of the exhausted and obsolete relays PG-22 and PGZ-22, which are recommended to be replaced by relays of modern designs, are excluded from the Instruction. The application on the replacement of reed switches in a relay manufactured in Germany due to the termination of NTTM “Search”, a manufacturer of reed switch holder elements, is also excluded. The manual includes a description of the design and instructions for commissioning and maintenance during operation of the new domestic gas relays RGT80 and RGT50 and the jet relay PCT25

Инструкция по эксплуатации газовой защиты обязательна для работников, занимающихся наладкой, техническим и оперативным обслуживанием устройств газовой защиты в энергосистемах Российской Федерации. В Инструкции описаны принципы действия и приведены конструкции и технические данные газовых и струйных реле, применяемых в энергосистемах, а также методы технического и оперативного обслуживания защит с этими реле. Приведены сведения об отсечном клапане и реле контроля уровня масла в расширителе, так как эти элементы функционально входят в состав цепей газовой защиты. Из Инструкции исключены описание и технические данные выработавших ресурс и морально устаревших реле ПГ-22 и ПГЗ-22, которые рекомендуется заменить на реле современных конструкций. Исключено также приложение о замене герконов в реле производства Германии в связи с прекращением деятельности НТТМ «Поиск» - изготовителя элементов держателя герконов. В Инструкцию включены описание конструкции и указания по наладке и техническому обслуживанию при эксплуатации новых отечественных газовых реле РГТ80 и РГТ50 и струйного реле РСТ25.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: RAO UES of Russia, 4/27/2001

SKU: RUSS374296

Price: imgalt

The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Power industry » 35. Automation, protection, interlocks, measuring instruments (including IIS ACS TP) »

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Sectoral and departmental regulatory and methodological documents » Design and construction of energy facilities »

PromExpert » SECTION III. LABOR PROTECTION AND SAFETY » III Occupational safety requirements for production equipment and processes » 2 Safety requirements for certain types of work » 2.14 Gas Safety Requirements »

ISO classifier » 27 ENERGY AND HEATING TECHNOLOGY » 27.100 Power stations in general »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.140 Installations in buildings » 91.140.40 Gas supply systems »

As a Replacement Of:

RD 34.35.518-91: Guidelines for Operation of Gas Protective Means

The Document References:

GOST 15150-69: Machines, instruments and other industrial products. Modifications for different climatic regions. Categories, operating, storage and transportation conditions as to environment climatic aspects influence

RD 153-34.0-04.418-98: Model Ordinance on Protective Relaying and Control Services

RD 153-34.3-35.613-00: Maintenance Requirements for Protective Relaying and Control System Switchgear for 0.4-35 kV Networks

RD 34.20.501-95: Technical operation rules for power plants and networks of the Russian federation

RD 34.35.518-91: Guidelines for Operation of Gas Protective Means

The Document is Referenced By:

SO 34.20.514-2005: Guidelines for the operation of the gas economy of thermal power plants

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