
SNiP II-90-81

СНиП II-90-81

Production buildings of industrial enterprises

Производственные здания промышленных предприятий

Status: Not effective - Superseded

Standards must be observed in the design of new and reconstructed industrial buildings of industrial enterprises. These standards do not apply to the design of buildings for the production and storage of explosives and blasting agents, as well as underground buildings and structures.

Нормы должны соблюдаться при проектировании новых и реконструируемых производственных зданий промышленных предприятий. Настоящие нормы не распространяются на проектирование зданий для производства и хранения взрывчатых веществ и средств взрывания, а также подземных зданий и сооружений.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction), 12/7/1981

SKU: RUSS19262

Price: $271.74


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Documents System of normative documents in construction » 3. Normative documents on urban planning, buildings and constructions » k.31 Residential, public and industrial buildings and structures »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.040 Construction » 91.040.20 Commercial and industrial buildings »

The Document References:

GOST 12.4.026-76: Signal colors and safety signs

GOST 14202-69: Pipe-lines of industrial plants. Identification coloring, safety signs and marking screens

GOST 23838-89: Buildings of enterprises. Parameters

The Document is Referenced By:

AZ-926: Fan selection guide for fan systems in hazardous areas

GKINP 15-236-91: Instructions for printing processes in kartoizdaniya

GOST 12.1.004-85: Occupational safety standards system. Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 12.1.004-91: Fire safety. General requirements

GOST 9193-77: Warping machines Technical conditions

M788-1082: Classification for Explosion Hazardous Areas in National and International Codes and Standards

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: The manual on the initial requirements for the development of design documentation for equipment of individual production (to SNiP 11-01-95)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A collection of explanations of certain provisions and the contents of paragraphs of the Instructions on the procedure for the development, coordination, approval and preparation of project documents for the construction of enterprises, buildings and structures of SNiP 11-01-95 (Questions and Answers)

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: A guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of a section of project documentation "Organization and working conditions of workers. Production and enterprise management"

Manual for SNiP 11-01-95: Guide to SNiP 11-01-95 on the development of the section of project documentation "Environmental Protection"

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 8.91. The number of personnel operating heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 10.91 Designing Corrosion Protection

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 1.91 Calculation and Distribution of Supply Air

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 12.91. Recommendations for calculating outdoor air infiltration in one-story industrial buildings

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 9.91. Annual energy consumption by heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Manual 4.91. Smoke protection in case of fire

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 14.91. New schemes and solutions for smoke protection of staircase elevators of multi-storey buildings

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 15.91. Smoke protection in case of fire and ventilation of underground car parks

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 5.91. Placement of ventilation equipment.

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 7.91. Duct layouts in a building

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 6.91. Fire resistant ducts.

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 2.91. Calculation of the receipt of heat of solar radiation in the premises

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Allowance 13.91. Fire protection requirements for heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems

Manual for SNiP 2.04.05-91: Benefit 3.91. Fan units

NTP 577/468: Instructions for technological design of cognac plants

ONTP 01-85/Minjelektrotehprom: All-Union norms for the technological design of electrical repair shops (departments) of engineering, instrument-making and metalworking enterprises

ONTP 04-85: All-Union norms for technological design of timber transshipment enterprises

ONTP 04-86: All-Union norms for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Shops of cold sheet metal stamping

ONTP 07-85: All-Union norms for the technological design of precast concrete enterprises

ONTP 07-86: All-Union norms for the technological design of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking. Foundries and warehouses of charge and molding materials

ONTP 09-85: All-Union norms of technological design of enterprises for the production of products from cellular and dense autoclaved concrete

ONTP 10-85: All-Union norms of technological design of production for the manufacture of products from metal powders based on iron and copper

ONTP 11-85: All-Union norms for technological design of engineering, instrument-making and metal-working enterprises. Workshops for the production of tools and tooling

ONTP 16-86: All-Union standards for technological design of thermal areas, workshops, production facilities of enterprises of mechanical engineering, instrument engineering and metalworking

ONTP 1-85/Minstrojdormash: All-Union norms of technological design of engineering enterprises, instrument making metallo-processing. Metalwork shops (Stocking and welding production)

ONTP 2-87: All-Union standards for technological design of plastics processing facilities. II part

ONTP 444-86: National Engineering Design Standards for Facilities for the Production of Mineral Wool Products and Building Components

ONTP 4-86: All-Union norms of technological design of transport on the surface of mining enterprises

ONTP 51-1-85: National Engineering Design Standards. Trunk Pipelines. Part I: Gas Pipelines

ONTP 6-85: All-Union norms of technological design of warehouse complexes and mechanical repair shops of mines, mines and concentration plants of the mining industry

OST 24.023.29-84: Production planning system. Expanded plastic details produced by compression moulding and high-pressure die casting. Standard techniques and procedures.

P 70.0010.09-90: Handbook for the design of systems for internal and external fire extinguishing technically simple objects

PNAE G-1-001-85: Typical content of the technical justification for the safety of nuclear power plants

RD 102-61-87: Guidelines for certification, rationalization, accounting and planning of workplaces for drivers and maintenance workers at motor transport enterprises of the Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction

RD 31.30.10-83: Manual on technological design of coastal enterprises and radio communication facilities of the Ministry of the Navy

RD Guideline on technological design of communication and the alarm system in seaports and at the MMF ship-repair enterprises. Wire communications capabilities.

Recommendations: Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope

RM 38.14.008-94: Guiding Material. Radial (centrifugal) and axial fans. Maintenance and repair.

SanPiN Working with asbestos and asbestos-based materials

SP 4950-89: Sanitary regulations for the production of carbon-based materials (coal, graphitized, fibrous, composite)

TU 26-14-100-90: Single cyclones of the type СЦН-40 of the right and left execution. Technical conditions

TU 26-14-99-91: DP-10M smoke exhauster. Technical conditions

VNTP: Departmental norms for technological design of electric locomotives, diesel locomotives, motor car depots, outfit devices and maintenance points

VNTP 01/87/04-84: Objects of gas and oil industry, made with the use of block and block-complete devices. Engineering Design Standards

VNTP 01-86: Industrial-Specific Engineering Design Standards for Distribution Warehouses and Storage Facilities

VNTP 01-87: Guidelines for Process Design of Pasta Industry Facilities

VNTP 02-86: Engineering Design Standards for Mixed Feed Facilities

VNTP 03-89: In-house process engineering standards for mill enterprises

VNTP 13-2-85: Standards for technological design of mining enterprises of metallurgy with underground mining method

VNTP 19-86: Engineering Design Standards for Farm Federations, Farm Сooperatives, and Non-Family Farm Corporations for Production of Mixed Feed

VNTP 20-86: Industry-Specific Engineering Design Standards for Ceramics Industry Facilities. Ceramic Plumbing Fixtures Manufacturing

VNTP 3-85: Norms of process design of facilities for gathering transport and treatment of oil gas and water of oil fields

VNTP 81-85: Norms of technological design for petroleum-refining and organic synthesis products manufacture enterprises

VNTP/MPS 85: Departmental norms of technological design. Devices of automation and telemechanics in railway transport.

VSN 454-84: Guidelines for Use of Isol [Rubber-Bitumen Roll Waterproofing Material] for Corrosion Protection for Steel Piping of Piped Heat Distribution Systems

VSN 461-85: Instructions for bonding joints of steel pipelines

VSN 48-93: Installation Manual for Cast-In-Place Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Tunnel Lining for Transportation Tunnels

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