Specifications for the installation of steam turbine plants, turbine generators and turbine blowers
Технические условия на монтаж паротурбинных установок, турбогенераторов и турбовоздуходувок
Status: Not effective - Superseded
The technical conditions apply to the installation, testing and acceptance of equipment for stationary steam turbines, turbine generators and turbo blowers (domain compressors) listed in Appendix 1, as well as related auxiliary mechanisms and devices. Technical specifications can be further extended to newly manufactured types of turbines, turbo-generators and turbo-blowers with appropriate instructions. The technical conditions do not apply to gas turbine installations, turbines for coke blowers and gas kiln exhausters and to turbine units of open and mobile installations.
Технические условия распространяются на монтаж, испытание и приемку оборудования стационарных паровых турбин, турбогенераторов и турбовоздуходувок (доменных компрессоров), перечисленных в приложении 1, а также относящихся к ним вспомогательных механизмов и устройств. Технические условия могут быть распространены в дальнейшем на вновь выпускаемые типы турбин, турбогенераторов и турбовоздуходувок при соответствующих на то указаниях. Технические условия не распространяются на газовые турбинные установки, турбины для коксовых газодувок и эксгаустеров газовых печей и на турбоагрегаты открытых и передвижных установок.
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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)
Approved: Gosstroy of the USSR (State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR for Construction),
SKU: RUSS167992
The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:
Construction (Max) »
Regulations »
Documents System of normative documents in construction »
4. Normative documents for engineering equipment of buildings and structures and external networks »
k.41 Heat supply, heating, ventilation and air conditioning »
ISO classifier »
93.010 Civil engineering in general »
The Document is Replaced With:
SNiP III-G.10.4-67: Heat and power equipment. Rules of production and acceptance of installation works
The Document References:
GOST 1320-55: Tin and lead babbits
GOST 1534-42: Copper-zinc solders. Classification and specifications
GOST 1535-48: Brass rods
GOST 1779-55: Threads and cords of asbestos
GOST 1787-50: Red lead
GOST 1798-49: Wire made of structural low-carbon steel
GOST 2208-49: Brass bands for general use
GOST 2718-54: Synthetic resin bonded paper sheets for electrotechnical purposes
GOST 2850-58: Asbestos paperboard
GOST 2910-54: Electrotechnical flat-sheet laminate
GOST 32-53: Turbine oils. Specification
GOST 3584-53: Wire mesh woven with square check and high precision
GOST 4514-48: Cotton insulating tapes
GOST 4753-49: Lamp oil. Specification
GOST 481-58: Paronite
GOST 495-50: Copper sheets. Assortment and specifications
GOST 5009-52: Sandpaper on a fabric basis for dry grinding
GOST 503-41: Low-carbon cold rolling steel band
GOST 5063-49: Ribbons of cupro-nickel alloys. Assortment and specifications
GOST 5152-55: Gland Packing
GOST 5343-54: White tin
GOST 5354-50: Cleaning rags (sorted). Specification
GOST 5420-50: Graphite cryptocrystalline (amorphous) foundry of the Noginsk deposit
GOST 5655-51: Round lead special purpose wire
GOST 5681-57: Rolled plate steel. Assortment
GOST 5962-51: Rectified ethyl alcohol. Specifications
GOST 597-56: Drawing paper
GOST 6308-52: Technical half-coarse wool felts and machinery parts from it. Types and specifications
GOST 6456-53: Sandpaper on a paper basis for dry grinding
GOST 6983-54: Pressed veneer
GOST 7130-54: Canvas fabrics of cotton. Range and specifications
GOST 7138-54: Cotton fabrics calico group. Calico, muslins, madapollam and calico. Range and specifications
GOST 7573-55: Lacquered spirit of shellac for furniture
GOST 7931-56: Drying oil, natural linen and hemp
GOST 8429-57: Sodium borate, technical
GOST 8505-57: Petrol for industrial and technical purposes. Technical requirements
GOST 8726-58: Cylinders and tubes, electro-technical, paper-Bakelite, general use
GOST 901-56: Bakelite lacquers
GOST 9389-60: Carbon steel spring wire
SN 94-60: Specifications for installation of equipment
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