
RD 12-88-95

РД 12-88-95

Instruction on the procedure of issuing the permission by (No Suggestions) of Russia for the manufacture and application of equipment for gas industry of Russian federation

Инструкция о порядке выдачи Госгортехнадзором России разрешений на выпуск и применение оборудования для газового хозяйства российской федерации

Status: Not effective

The instruction establishes general requirements for performance testing of prototypes of new equipment, production and use of gas equipment for gas supply systems, as well as safe operation of equipment in the gas industry of the Russian Federation.

Инструкция устанавливает общие требования на проведение эксплуатационных испытаний опытных образцов нового оборудования, выпуск и применение газового оборудования для систем газоснабжения, а также безопасную эксплуатацию оборудования в газовом хозяйстве Российской Федерации.

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Format: Electronic (pdf/doc)

Approved: Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, 2/14/1995

SKU: RUSS16108

Price: $71.00


The Product is Contained in the Following Classifiers:

Construction (Max) » Regulations » Regulatory documents of supervisory authorities » Regulatory documents of Gosgortekhnadzor »

PromExpert » SECTION IV. INDUSTRIAL SAFETY » I Industrial Safety Administration » 1 General requirements for industrial safety »

PromExpert » SECTION V. ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION. NATURE USE » II Ensuring environmental safety » 4 Ensuring environmental safety during subsoil use » 4.1 Management infield of subsoil use » 4.1.1 State supervision and environmental monitoring infield of subsoil use »

ISO classifier » 27 ENERGY AND HEATING TECHNOLOGY » 27.010 Energy and heat engineering in general »

ISO classifier » 75 EXTRACTION AND PROCESSING OF OIL, GAS AND RELATED PRODUCTION » 75.180 Equipment for oil and gas industry » 75.180.01 Equipment for oil and gas industry in general »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.010 Construction industry » 91.010.10 Legal aspects »

ISO classifier » 91 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION » 91.140 Installations in buildings » 91.140.40 Gas supply systems »

The Document is Referenced By:

Order 1155: Model program on the course "Industrial, Environmental, Energy Safety, Safety of Hydraulic Structures" for pre-certification (pre-examination) training of managers and specialists of organizations supervised by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

PB 12-368-00: Gas industry safety rules

PB 12-529-03: Gas distribution and gas consumption system safety rules. Series 12. Revision 4.

RD 12-331-99: Ordinance on Industrial Safety Conformity Assessment at Gas Supply Facilities

RD 12-608-03: Provisions on industrial safety expertise implementation at gas supply entities.

RD 153-34.0-03.125-2002: Ordinance on Process Monitoring of Compliance with Industrial Safety Requirements at Hazardous Production Facilities Administered by KES of Russia, RAO

SO 34.20.514-2005: Guidelines for the operation of the gas economy of thermal power plants

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