Design guidelines for aspiration systems for grain storage and processing plants and bakery plants
On the approval of the Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for explosive and fire hazardous production facilities for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials"
On the definition of transport infrastructure objects that are not subject to categorization by modes of transport
Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Safety rules for explosive and fire hazardous production facilities for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials"
Federal norms and rules in the field of industrial safety "Requirements for the development of a technical passport for explosion safety of fire and explosion hazardous production facilities for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials"
On approval of testing questions on the section "Industrial safety requirements at storage and processing facilities of vegetable raw materials" of the List of areas of certification in the field of industrial safety, safety of hydraulic structures, safety in electric power industry, approved by Order of the Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear Supervision on September 4, 2020 N 334
Industrial Safety Requirements for Explosion-Hazardous and Fire-Hazardous Facilities for the Storage, Processing, and Utilization of Vegetable Raw Material
Safety Guide "Recommendations for the preparation of a technical passport for explosion safety of fire and explosion hazardous production facilities for storage and processing of vegetable raw materials"
Safety Guide "Recommendations for the power supply of coal mines"
Regulation for order of organizing and realization of supervision of industrial safety of explosion hazardous facilities for storing, handling and use of herbal raw materials
Guidelines for the classification of accidents and incidents in explosive storage and processing of grain
Ordinance on Conformity Assessment of Industrial Safety of Hazardous Production Facilities for Grain Storage and Processing