Paper and board. Method for the determination of ring destruction force under compression. (Ring Crush Test)
Paper and cardboard. Method for determination of surface water absorption at one-sided wetting (Cobb method)
Board. Method for the determination of deformation after compression
Container board. Method for determination of edgewise crush resistance (unwaxed edge method)
Paper and board. Methods for determination of sheet dimensions and non-rectangularity
Paper and board. Determination of bending stiffness. Resonance method
Paper and board. Determination of bending stiffness by static methods. General principles
Paper and board. Determination of tensile properties. Part 2. Constant rate of elongation method
Pulp paper and board. Method of determination of brightness
Paper and cardboard. Acceptance rules. Sampling for tests
Paper and board. Acceptance rules. Sampling to determine average quality
Paper and board. Method for determination of rigidity in static bending