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Amendment No.1 to SP 308.1325800.2017
Amendment No.1 to SP 308.1325800.2017
Amendment No.1 to SP 326.1311500.2017
Amendment No.1 to SP 326.1311500.2017
Decree of Ministry of Emergency of Russia of 20.04.2017 No. 179
Decree of Ministry of Emergency of Russia of 20.04.2017 No. 179
On managerial improvement of Ministry of the Russian Federation for Affairs for Civil Defence, Emergencies and Elimination of Consequences of Natural Disasters
Price: $183.00
Decree of Rospotrebnadzor of 01.12.2017 No. 1116
Decree of Rospotrebnadzor of 01.12.2017 No. 1116
On improvement of monitoring, laboratory diagnostics of infectious and parasitic diseases and indication of pathogenic biological agents in the Russian Federation
Price: $518.00
Directive letter 01-2017
Directive letter 01-2017
Development and execution of a certification basis for the equipment of airfields and airways
Directive letter 06-2017
Directive letter 06-2017
On the introduction of revised forms of approval documents for the equipment of airfields and airways
Directive R/0017
Directive R/0017
On definition of formats for conversion into electronic form of documents contained in accumulated registry files (files of title documents and cadastre files)
Non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises equipment
Price: $263.00
FR 1.31.2017.27246
FR 1.31.2017.27246
Methodology for measuring the mass fraction of cyanides (including those in the form of complex compounds) in samples of soils, soils, bottom sediments, sludge, sewage sludge, liquid and solid waste production and consumption by the photometric method with pyridine and barbituric acid
FR 1.31.2017.27474
FR 1.31.2017.27474
Quantitative chemical analysis of soils. Method for measuring the mass fraction of water-soluble forms of fluorides in soil samples by potentiometry
FR 1.31.2017.28626
FR 1.31.2017.28626
Method for measuring the mass concentration of nitrite ions in samples of drinking, natural and wastewater by the photometric method with Griss reagent
Plumbing and sewage - internal devices (edition 2000). Plumbing and sanitary - internal devices. State elemental estimated standards for construction work
Equipment of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises (2003 edition). Equipment of non-ferrous metallurgy enterprises. State elemental estimated norms for installation of equipment
GJeSNp 81-05-16-2017
GJeSNp 81-05-16-2017
Collection 16. Devices of automation and telemechanics in railway transport. State element estimate norms for commissioning
Maximum allowable concentrations (MAC) of microorganisms-producers, bacterial preparations and their components in atmospheric air of populated areas
Price: $263.00
Maximum permissible concentrations (MPC) of pollutants in the atmospheric air of urban and rural settlements
Price: $900.00
Maximum allowable concentrations (MACs) of microorganism-producens, bacterial products and their components in the occupational air.
Price: $295.00
GN-1 of 05.07.2017 # 73
GN-1 of 05.07.2017 # 73
Hygienic standard "Permissible values of sanitary-microbiological indicators of the air environment of the premises of organizations providing medical care"
GN-1 of 11.10.2017 # 92
GN-1 of 11.10.2017 # 92
Hygienic standard "Maximum permissible concentrations of harmful substances in the air of the working area"
GN-2 of 05.07.2017 # 73
GN-2 of 05.07.2017 # 73
Hygienic standard "Permissible air temperature of individual rooms of organizations providing medical care"

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