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GKINP 01-145-81
GKINP 01-145-81
Determination of azimuths at Laplace points taking into account the effect of refraction
Price: $397.10
GKINP 01-153-81
GKINP 01-153-81
Guide to Astronomical Definitions
GKINP 02-147-81
GKINP 02-147-81
Guide to topographical survey of railway stations and nodes
GKINP 05-146-81
GKINP 05-146-81
Guiding Material. Printing reproduction of multi-color space photo cards and images
GKINP 11-140-81
GKINP 11-140-81
Guiding Technical Material. Topographic and geodetic works on the shelf and inland waters. Terms and Definitions
GKINP 14-137-81
GKINP 14-137-81
Guiding technical material on creating political maps of the world and continents, political and administrative maps of regions and individual states
GKINP 14-148-81
GKINP 14-148-81
Guiding Technical Material. Preparation and application of typical geographic bases for thematic maps
GOST 10003-81
GOST 10003-81
Styrene. Specification
GOST 10028-81
GOST 10028-81
Glass capillary viscosimeters. Specifications
Price: $267.00
GOST 10083-81
GOST 10083-81
Taper reamers with taper shank
Price: $283.00
GOST 10141-81
GOST 10141-81
Rod and ball mills. Specification
GOST 10145-81
GOST 10145-81
Metals. Stress-rupture test method
Price: $117.00
GOST 10181.0-81
GOST 10181.0-81
Concrete mixtures. General requirement to test methods
Price: $84.00
GOST 10181.1-81
GOST 10181.1-81
Concrete mixture. Test method of determination of workability
Price: $234.00
GOST 10181.2-81
GOST 10181.2-81
Concrete mixture. Test method of determination of density
Price: $68.00
GOST 10181.3-81
GOST 10181.3-81
Concrete mixture. Test method of determination of porosity
Price: $217.00
GOST 10181.4-81
GOST 10181.4-81
Concrete mixtures. Test methods of determination of segregatability
Price: $151.00
GOST 10199-81
GOST 10199-81
Concentrated combined fodder designed for sheep
Price: $267.00
GOST 10222-81
GOST 10222-81
Fine-module disk shaving cutters. Specifications
Price: $414.00
GOST 1023-81
GOST 1023-81
Leather. Marking, packing, transportation and storage

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