RD 45.012-98
RD 45.012-98
Specialized instruments for measuring radio communication, broadcasting and television parameters. Guidelines for the calibration of pulse reflectometers IR-4 and IR-6, measuring the loss of reliability of the SPD-2
Price: $391.00
RD 45.013-98
RD 45.013-98
Guidance on the assignment of measurement and control instruments to the category of indicators
Price: $135.00
RD 45.014-98
RD 45.014-98
Means of measuring parameters of wired communication specialized. Guidelines for calibration of IKO-1 error rate meters, 12XZ90, ET-100, ET-90 and ET-70 measuring instruments sets
Price: $916.00
RD 45.015-98
RD 45.015-98
Specialized equipment for measuring radio communication, broadcasting and television parameters. Guidelines for the calibration of IPI transient noise meters and IPD-1M reliability loss meters
Price: $646.00
RD 45.017-98
RD 45.017-98
Specialized measuring instruments. Guidelines for the calibration of transient noise meters IPP1M
Price: $263.00
RD 45.021-98
RD 45.021-98
Specialized measuring instruments. Guidelines for the calibration of the measuring instrument for crosstalk IPP2
Price: $311.00
RD 45.022-98
RD 45.022-98
Specialized measuring instruments. Guidelines for the calibration of the measurement of the loss of reliability of the IPD-1
Price: $375.00
RD 45.023-98
RD 45.023-98
Telecommunication Measurement Instruments. Methodical instructions for calibrating a digital signal analyzer of the Interceptor 147 type, an PCM-30 analyzer of the K4304 type, a PCM-1 type telephone channel meter Collection № 1. Methodological guidelines
Price: $614.00
RD 45.096-98
RD 45.096-98
Technical requirements for communication equipment implementing asynchronous information transfer mode (ATM equipment)
RD 51-10-98
RD 51-10-98
Dynamic Positioning Services for Gazprom OAO Vessels Used in Offshore Petroleum and Gas Exploration and Production Operations
Price: $247.00
RD 51-1-98
RD 51-1-98
Method of rapid computer diagnostics of local sections of gas pipelines using metal magnetic memory
Price: $244.00
RD 51-31323949-31-98
RD 51-31323949-31-98
Selection of the number of generator units of electric power stations of Gazprom RJSC.
Price: $263.00
RD 51-31323949-33-98
RD 51-31323949-33-98
Guidelines for the design of power supply to linear consumers of gas pipelines
Price: $87.00
RD 51-31323949-38-98
RD 51-31323949-38-98
Guidance document on the technology of welding technological pipelines of CS from heat-resistant and high-alloy steels
Price: $423.00
RD 52.14.28-98
RD 52.14.28-98
Instructions. The procedure for the development and circulation of industry guidance documents and recommendations
Price: $279.00
RD 52.14.600-98
RD 52.14.600-98
Instructions. The order of implementation and monitoring of the implementation and compliance with regulations
Price: $135.00
RD 52.18.597-98
RD 52.18.597-98
Guidelines. Accreditation of laboratories (centers) for monitoring environmental pollution. General requirements for the "Regulations on the accredited laboratory (center)". NGO "Typhoon"
Price: $183.00
RD 52.18.598-98
RD 52.18.598-98
Guidelines. Accreditation of laboratories (centers) for monitoring environmental pollution. General requirements for the "Guidelines for the quality of an accredited laboratory (center)". NGO "Typhoon"
Price: $391.00
RD 52.18.599-98
RD 52.18.599-98
Accreditation of laboratories (centers) for monitoring environmental pollution. Procedure for inspection control of the accredited laboratory (center)
Price: $199.00
RD 52.19.143-98
RD 52.19.143-98
List of documents from the archival collection of data on the state of the environment and its pollution
RD 52.24.504-98
RD 52.24.504-98
Methodological instructions. Methods of measurement of fat mass concentration waters using IR photometric method.
Price: $311.00
RD 52.24.505-98
RD 52.24.505-98
Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of oil components in bottom sediments with identification of their composition and origin
Price: $279.00
RD 52.24.506-98
RD 52.24.506-98
Guidelines. Methods for measuring the mass concentration of acetone in waters by gas chromatography
Price: $151.00
RD 52.24.507-98
RD 52.24.507-98
Methodical instructions. Methodology for measuring the mass concentration of di- and polychlorophenols in water by gas chromatography
RD 52.37.596-98
RD 52.37.596-98
Instruction Active influence on hail processes
RD 52.37.601-98
RD 52.37.601-98
Manual on rocket and artillery support of active impacts on hydrometeorological processes
RD 52.37.67-98
RD 52.37.67-98
Methodical instructions. Methods for assessing the impact on hail processes
RD 68-8.17-98
RD 68-8.17-98
Local calibration schemes (LPS) for measuring instruments (SI) for topographic-geodetic and cartographic purposes
Price: $311.00
RD 95 10541-98
RD 95 10541-98
Equipment for working with radioactive media. Classification
RD EO 0127-98
RD EO 0127-98
Maintenance and repair of systems and equipment of nuclear power plants. Rules for the organization of work with the opening of equipment
RD EO 0138-98
RD EO 0138-98
Instructions for the organization of fire training of personnel at nuclear power plants of the Rosenergoatom concern
Price: $215.00
RD EO 0141-98
RD EO 0141-98
Typical technical requirements for methods for assessing the technical condition and residual life of elements of nuclear power plants
Price: $263.00
RD ROSEK 04-010-98
RD ROSEK 04-010-98
Guidelines for the technical diagnosis and extension of the service life of pressure chambers
RD RosJeK 05-014-98
RD RosJeK 05-014-98
Guidelines for expert examination of pipelines of steam and hot water of category IV, supervised by the Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia
RD V 319.01.11-98
RD V 319.01.11-98
Comprehensive quality control system. Machinery, means, devices and equipment for military purposes. Typical methods of accelerated tests for functionality and durability.
RD V 319.01.12-98
RD V 319.01.12-98
Comprehensive quality control system. Machinery, means, devices and equipment for military purposes. Earth communication devices. Typical methods of multivariate tests for functionality.
RD V 319.01.13-98
RD V 319.01.13-98
Comprehensive quality control system. Machinery, means, devices and equipment for military purposes. Evaluation of metrological support.
Price: $4,612.53
RD V 319.01.14-98
RD V 319.01.14-98
КСКК. Machinery, equipment, devices and equipment designed for military purposes. Aircraft avionics. Typical methods of equivalent- cyclic tests for failure-free performance..
RD V 319.01.15-98
RD V 319.01.15-98
Comprehensive quality control system. Machinery, means, devices and equipment for military purposes. Typical methods of accelerated tests for shelf life in storage and testing of storage ability during transportation.
RD V 319.01.16-98
RD V 319.01.16-98
КСКК. Machinery, equipment, devices and appliances designed for military purposes. Typical methods of evaluation of reliability and maintainability using experimental methods.
RD V 319.01.18-98
RD V 319.01.18-98
Comprehensive quality control system. Machinery, means, devices and equipment for military purposes. Organizational and technical support and general rules of reliability test conduct Forms of records.
Guidelines for special technical inspection and diagnosis of pipelines of category IV, compilation of passports and certificates of pipelines for operation
Regulations on the Department of Nuclear and Radiation Safety Inspections in the Operation and Repair of Nuclear Ships and ATO Ships
Price: $119.00
RDS 10-240-98
RDS 10-240-98
The GOST R certification system. Statement on the appeals commission of the Russian federation state committee for construction, architectural and housing policy concerning certification in the field of building
Price: $103.00
RDS 10-241-98
RDS 10-241-98
Statement on the certification Council of the Russian Federation State Committee for construction, architectural and housing policy in the field of building
Price: $103.00
RDS 30-201-98
RDS 30-201-98
Code of practice of the projecting and placing of red lines in the cities and other settlements of the Russian Federation
Price: $199.00
RDS 35-201-98
RDS 35-201-98
The procedure for the implementation of accessibility requirements for persons with disabilities to social infrastructure

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