OST 50-397-83
OST 50-397-83
RF cable of РK 75-1-21 type (limitation under GOST 11326.75-79).
OST 50-398-83
OST 50-398-83
RF cable of РK 75-2-22 type (limitation under GOST 11326.77-79).
OST 50-399-83
OST 50-399-83
RF cable of РK 75-2-11 type (limitation under GOST 11326.88-79).
OST 50-400-83
OST 50-400-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Personnel training and refresher training. General provisions.
OST 50-401-83
OST 50-401-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Engineers training.
OST 50-402-83
OST 50-402-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Personnel refresher training.
OST 50-403-83
OST 50-403-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Scientific brainpower training.
OST 50-404-83
OST 50-404-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Economic education and labour training.
OST 50-405-83
OST 50-405-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Technical training.
OST 50-406-83
OST 50-406-83
Departmental system of State Standard Agency work quality control. Intern training.
OST 51 100-83
OST 51 100-83
Reliability of gas pipelines. Terms and Definitions
OST 51 102-83
OST 51 102-83
SPU. Elements and devices of pneumatic automation, nomenclature of indicators
OST 51 103-83
OST 51 103-83
SPKP. Instruments, devices and telemechanics in the gas industry. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51 104-83
OST 51 104-83
Industrial control system in the gas industry. Rationing of metrological characteristics
OST 51 107-83
OST 51 107-83
SPKP. Turboexpanded block units. Nomenclature of quality indicators
OST 51 91-83
OST 51 91-83
SPU. Gas-oil industrial burners. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51 95-83
OST 51 95-83
SPKP. Welding installation for the repair of pipes. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51 96-83
OST 51 96-83
SPKP. Cleaning machines for the repair of pipelines. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51 97-83
OST 51 97-83
SPKP. Emergency machines for the repair of the pipeline. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51.100-83
OST 51.100-83
Reliability of gas pipelines. Terms and Definitions
OST 51.103-83
OST 51.103-83
SPKP. Instruments, devices and telemechanics in the gas industry. Nomenclature of indicators
OST 51.104-83
OST 51.104-83
Industrial control system in the gas industry. Rationing of metrological characteristics
OST 51.110-83
OST 51.110-83
SSBT. Safety equipment for the installation of fixed offshore platforms. Signaling tools. General requirements
OST 51.112-83
OST 51.112-83
SSBT. Offshore oil and gas facilities. Delivery staff. Safety requirements
OST 51.40-83
OST 51.40-83
Combustible natural gases supplied and transported via main gas pipelines. Technical conditions.
OST 51.94-83
OST 51.94-83
Electric welding works on offshore oil and gas hydraulic structures. Safety requirements
OST 5-1011-83
OST 5-1011-83
Foundations for auxiliary mechanisms and boilers, products, equipment and devices, rules and design standards
OST 51-02-23-83
OST 51-02-23-83
Reusable metal folding cartridges for domestic gas cookers.
OST 5-1050-83
OST 5-1050-83
Removable metal floors and platforms. Technical conditions
OST 5-1058-83
OST 5-1058-83
Base hull structures and hulls. Technical requirements
OST 5-1069-83
OST 5-1069-83
Reinforced concrete hull boxes. Types and main sizes
OST 51-100-83
OST 51-100-83
Dependability of main gas pipelines. Terms and definitions.
OST 51-101-83
OST 51-101-83
Departmental system of product quality control. Economic contracts. Production delivery economic contracts performance, storage, accounting and conclusion management.
OST 51-102-83
OST 51-102-83
Quality indicator system. Elements and devices of pneumatic control. Product indicators.
OST 51-103-83
OST 51-103-83
Quality indicator system. The equipment, devices and means of teleautomatics in the gas industry. Product indicators.
OST 51-104-83
OST 51-104-83
Automated process control systems in the gas industry. Rationing of metrological characteristics.
OST 51-105-83
OST 51-105-83
Metrological support in designing of the gas industry facilities. Basic requirements.
OST 51-106-83
OST 51-106-83
Scientific and technical propaganda in gas industry. Basic provisions.
OST 51-107-83
OST 51-107-83
Quality indicator system. Turbo expanding block assemblies. Quality indicators.
OST 51-108-83
OST 51-108-83
Structural steel members for offshore oil and gas field structures. General technical requirements.
OST 51-109-83
OST 51-109-83
Quality indicator system. Oil and gas industrial sea platforms. Product indicators.
OST 51-110-83
OST 51-110-83
Occupational safety standards system. Labour safety means. Secure environment. Safety means for construction of offshore stationary platforms. Signalling devices. General requirements.
OST 51-111-83
OST 51-111-83
Occupational safety standards system. Safety means for construction of offshore stationary platforms. Lifesaving appliances. General requirements.
OST 51-112-83
OST 51-112-83
Labour safety standard system. Offshore oil and gas facilities. Staff transfer. Safety requirements.
OST 51-113-83
OST 51-113-83
Occupational safety standards system. Safety means for construction of offshore stationary platforms. Classification.
OST 51-114-83
OST 51-114-83
Unified protection system against corrosion and aging. Underwater pipelines. General technical requirements for electrochemical protection against corrosion.
OST 51-1-83
OST 51-1-83
Standardization system of the gas industry ministry. Development of five-year and annual standardization plans.
OST 51-40-83
OST 51-40-83
Combustible natural gases supplied to main gas pipelines Specification
Price: $92.89

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