OST 4-091.234-83
OST 4-091.234-83
Metal and non-metal inorganic coating. Flexible automatized production organization.
OST 4-091.236-83
OST 4-091.236-83
Quality indicator system. Low-current relays. Product indicators.
OST 4-091.237-83
OST 4-091.237-83
Quality indicator system. Picture monitors. Product indicators.
OST 4-093.008-83
OST 4-093.008-83
Antennas from fibreglass. Parabolic reflectors. Types, key parameters, sizes and technical requirements.
OST 4-093.009-83
OST 4-093.009-83
Electrical installation of electric communication systems. Installation of stationary storage batteries. General technical requirements.
OST 41-01-215-83
OST 41-01-215-83
Rock cutting tools for exploration drilling. System of collecting and recording data from mining of diamond bits.
OST 41-01-227-83
OST 41-01-227-83
Occupational safety standards system. Labour safety management at geological and survey works. Economic efficiency of labour safety works. Methods for defining.
OST 41-01-228-83
OST 41-01-228-83
Labour safety standard system. Emulsion drilling mud. Safety requirements.
OST 41-01-231-83
OST 41-01-231-83
Occupational safety standards system. Labour safety management at geological and survey operations. Planning and financing of labour safety measures.
OST 41-01-79-83
OST 41-01-79-83
Products of prospecting equipment. General requirements for export.
OST 41-02-223-83
OST 41-02-223-83
Mining and exploration workings and excavations. Terms and definitions.
OST 41-02-224-83
OST 41-02-224-83
Technology of mining and exploration workings. Terms and definitions.
OST 41-02-225-83
OST 41-02-225-83
Machinery for mining and exploration workings. Terms and definitions.
OST 41-03-219-83
OST 41-03-219-83
Rock-reservoir. Method of determining the specific electrical resistivity of rock samples-reservoirs of oil and gas.
OST 41-03-220-83
OST 41-03-220-83
Rock-reservoir. Method of determining the velocity of longitudinal waves in rock samples-reservoirs of oil and gas.
OST 41-03-230-83
OST 41-03-230-83
Occupational safety standards system. Sledge trailer designed to transport people. General safety requirements.
OST 41-04-216-83
OST 41-04-216-83
Units of deactivating ionization radiation for orebody geophysics. Technical requirements for parameters of signal outputs and electric supply.
OST 41-05-229-83
OST 41-05-229-83
Quality indicator system. Filters for the wells drilled on water. Product indicators.
OST 41-07-222-83
OST 41-07-222-83
Faceting quartz as raw materials. Technical conditions.
OST 41-09-226-83
OST 41-09-226-83
Metrological examination of project and reporting geological documentation. Organization and procedure.
OST 4-202.001-83
OST 4-202.001-83
Household radio-electronic equipment. Technological extra earnings.
OST 4-205.029-83
OST 4-205.029-83
Television sets of black and coloured images. General technical requirements on reliability.
OST 4-214.004-83
OST 4-214.004-83
Equipment of a long-distance communication. Filters electromechanical small-sized with magnetostrictive converters. General technical specifications.
OST 42-1-83
OST 42-1-83
Specifications for medical immunobiological drugs manufacturing. Content, development procedure, precedence, approval, amendments.
OST 42-21-15-83
OST 42-21-15-83
Labour safety standard system. Roentgen diagnostics offices. Safety requirements.
OST 4-223.000-83
OST 4-223.000-83
acoustoelectronic devices on surface acoustic waves. Terms and Definitions.
OST 4-223.001-83
OST 4-223.001-83
acoustoelectronic devices on surface acoustic waves. Sound wires. Types and main parameters.
OST 4-270.000-83
OST 4-270.000-83
Electronic measuring devices. General requirements of technical aesthetics and ergonomics
OST 4-271.004-83
OST 4-271.004-83
Broadcasting receivers. Dummy antenna. General specifications.
OST 4-325.000-83
OST 4-325.000-83
Multitrack equipment of magnetic record. Blocks of magnetic heads. General technical specifications.
OST 43-44-83
OST 43-44-83
Library shelves. General technical conditions
OST 43-45-83
OST 43-45-83
Department control over implementation and observance of standards and technical requirements, metrological capabilities and product quality in enterprises and organizations of Ministry for Culture of the USSR.
OST 43-46-83
OST 43-46-83
Quality indicator system. Lighting equipment. Theatre light fixtures. Product indicators.
OST 43-47-83
OST 43-47-83
Quality indicator system. Lighting equipment. Theatre searchlights. Product indicators.
OST 43-48-83
OST 43-48-83
Quality indicator system. Lighting equipment. Adapters to lighting theatre devices. Product indicators.
OST 4-364.003-83
OST 4-364.003-83
Printed-board connectors. Selection Guide.
OST 4-364.004-83
OST 4-364.004-83
Sockets types SNP1, SNP3 (restriction as per KE0.364.025TU).
OST 4-364.005-83
OST 4-364.005-83
Sockets type SNP14 (restriction as per BR0.364.008TU).
OST 4-364.006-83
OST 4-364.006-83
SNP34 (СНП34) type connectors (restrictions imposed by БР0.364.009ТУ).
OST 4-364.007-83
OST 4-364.007-83
SNP39 (СНП39), SNP40 (СНП40) type connectors ( restrictions imposed by БР0.364.007ТУ).
OST 4-364.009-83
OST 4-364.009-83
Small-size rectangular low-frequency connectors of МРН type (restrictions imposed by BRO .364.029ТУ).
OST 4-364.010-83
OST 4-364.010-83
GRPM1 (ГРПМ1) type connectors (restrictions imposed by КЕ0.364.006ТУ).
OST 4-364.011-83
OST 4-364.011-83
RPPM8 (РППМ8) type connectors (restrictions imposed by ГЕ0.364.194ТУ).
OST 4-364.012-83
OST 4-364.012-83
Rectangular connectors for printed circuit wiring of PPIS (ППИС) type (restrictions imposed by ОЮ0.364.007ТУ).
OST 4-364.013-83
OST 4-364.013-83
Ribbon connector РЛМИ2 (restriction КЕ0.364.008ТУ).
OST 4-364.014-83
OST 4-364.014-83
ONP-KG-22 (ОНП-КГ-22) type connectors of ( restrictions imposed by BRO (БР0).364.056ТУ).
OST 4-364.015-83
OST 4-364.015-83
GRPMSH-1 (ГРПМШ-1) type connectors (restrictions imposed by НЦ0.364.016ТУ).
OST 4-410.018-83
OST 4-410.018-83
Basic bearing structures. Base-3. Devices and blocks. Designing.

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