OST 3-8.004-79
OST 3-8.004-79
shock Setup. Methods and means of verification.
OST 3-8.007-79
OST 3-8.007-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Inductive transducers of linear displacements. Methods and verification instruments.
OST 3-8.009-79
OST 3-8.009-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Persistent radiation light meters. Verification and certification methods.
OST 3-8.010-79
OST 3-8.010-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Metrological inspection of design documents.
OST 3-8.011-79
OST 3-8.011-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Electromagnetic chronograph. Verification method.
OST 3-8.014-79
OST 3-8.014-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Analysis of metrological assurance of full-scale units production. General provisions.
OST 38-01176-79
OST 38-01176-79
Bead cracking catalysts. Test methods.
OST 38-0142-79
OST 38-0142-79
Sectoral system of product quality control in the asbestos technical industries. The main provisions
OST 3-852-79
OST 3-852-79
Coloured optical glass. Technical specifications.
OST 39-061-79
OST 39-061-79
Crude oil treatment Plants. Parametric ranks.
OST 39-073-79
OST 39-073-79
Products development and launching into manufacture in the system of Ministry of Oil Industry. Research scientific works performance procedure.
OST 39-075-79
OST 39-075-79
Drilling agent. Properties key indicators. Terms and definitions.
OST 39-076-79
OST 39-076-79
Borehole washing. Technology. Terms and definitions.
OST 39-078-79
OST 39-078-79
Calibrators, centralizers, stabilizers. Classification, species, types and basic dimensions.
OST 39-079-79
OST 39-079-79
Drilling heads. Construction and dimensions.
OST 39-085-79
OST 39-085-79
Standardization in oil industry. The development of the field communication (terminological) standards.
OST 39-086-79
OST 39-086-79
Occupational safety standards system. Operation of oil wells. General safety requirements.
OST 39-087-79
OST 39-087-79
Laboratory methods and devices for determining the saturation pressure of oil. General technical requirements. Assessment of accuracy.
OST 39-088-79
OST 39-088-79
Plants of collection and transportation of oil and oil gas. Parametric ranks.
OST 39-089-79
OST 39-089-79
Labour safety standard system. Stationary labour safety office. General technical specifications.
OST 39-090-79
OST 39-090-79
Deflecting device for directional drilling of wells. Dimensional number of geometric parameters.
OST 39-091-79
OST 39-091-79
Crude oil gas treatment Plants. Parametric ranks.
Price: $158.23
OST 39-093-79
OST 39-093-79
Gydromechanical packers. Types, main parameters and dimensions.
OST 39-095-79
OST 39-095-79
Automated modular oil treating equipment
Price: $157.88
OST 39-098-79
OST 39-098-79
Block automated equipment for oil production facilities. General safety requirements.
OST 39-099-79
OST 39-099-79
Corrosion inhibitors. Method for effectiveness evaluation of protective effect of corrosion inhibitors in oilfield wastewater.
OST 39-101-79
OST 39-101-79
Oil formation. Physical and chemical properties used. Terms and definitions.
OST 39-103-79
OST 39-103-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Organization and procedure of metrological inspection of technical documents.
OST 39-104-79
OST 39-104-79
Industry-based uniformity measurement system. Organization and procedure for institutional metrological certification of unstandardized measuring devices.
OST 39-105-79
OST 39-105-79
Oil industry labour safety standard system. Oil and gas well drilling at the fields containing hydrogen sulphide. Safety requirements.
OST 4.000.022-79
OST 4.000.022-79
Design documentation. Reasons for changes. Codes.
OST 4.005.005-79
OST 4.005.005-79
System of ensuring measurement unity in the ministry. Organization and carrying out procedure of design and technological documentation metrological examination. Main provisions.
OST 4.010.015-79
OST 4.010.015-79
Holes for threads. Dimensions.
OST 4.070.015-79
OST 4.070.015-79
Household broadcasting receivers. Spools and cores of radio-frequency coils. General specifications.
OST 4.091.029-79
OST 4.091.029-79
Occupational safety standards system. Procedure for construction and coordination of safety requirements in the standards and design and technological documents.
OST 4.097.000-79
OST 4.097.000-79
Special equipment (non-standard). safety requirements
OST 4.441.000-79
OST 4.441.000-79
Chains and its parts. Types. Design and dimensions.
OST 4.822.001-79
OST 4.822.001-79
Bushings. Construction and dimensions.
OST 4-000.017-79
OST 4-000.017-79
Single aggregated complex of automated measurement technology. Requirements specification for the development of automated measuring systems. Standard form.
OST 4-000.018-79
OST 4-000.018-79
Design documentation. Procedure for application of standards of the Unified system for design documentation.
OST 4-000.022-79
OST 4-000.022-79
Design documentation. Reasons for change. Codes
OST 4-005.002-79
OST 4-005.002-79
System of ensuring measurement unity in the ministry. Organization and carrying out procedure of metrological certification and non-standard measuring instrument checking. General requirements.
OST 4-005.005-79
OST 4-005.005-79
System for ensuring the uniformity of measurements in the ministry. Organization and procedure for metrological examination of design and technological documentation. Main provisions
OST 4-010.014-79
OST 4-010.014-79
Straight-sided spline connections. Dimensions. Clearance (restrictions imposed by Mutual Economic Assistance Standard (СТ СЭВ) 187-75 and СТ СЭВ 188-75).
OST 4-010.015-79
OST 4-010.015-79
Holes designed for threading. Dimensions
OST 4-010.016-79
OST 4-010.016-79
Pressed connections of metal parts with corrugations and parts made of insulating material. Dimensions. Accesses
OST 4-012.003-79
OST 4-012.003-79
Multi-channel and multi-functional communication systems. Reliability calculations.
OST 4-012.004-79
OST 4-012.004-79
Communication equipment. Test method for the determination of the average time of restoration.

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