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29.140 Lighting products


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GOST 10264-82
Light signaling fittings
Price: $462.00
Occupation safety standards system. Electric lamps. Safety requirements
Price: $267.00
GOST 15049-2023
Electric light sources. Terms and definitions
Price: $762.00
GOST 16703-2022
Illuminating devices and complexes. Terms and definitions
Price: $542.00
GOST 17557-88
Terminal blocks for illuminating engineering
Price: $526.00
GOST 2.732-68
Unified system for design documentation. Graphic identifications in schemes. Light sources
Price: $134.00
GOST 23198-2021
Electric light sources. Methods of measurement of spectral and color characteristics
Price: $606.00
GOST 34784-2021
Devices for exterior lighting and light signalling of railway vehicles. Technical requirements and control methods.
Price: $226.00
GOST IEC 61547-2013
Electromagnetic compatibility. Immunity of lighting equipment of general purpose. Requirements and test methods.
Price: $283.00
GOST IEC 62493-2014
Assessment of lighting equipment related to human exposure to electromagnetic fields
Price: $669.00
GOST R 51514-2013
Electromagnetic compatibility of technical equipment. Immunity of equipment for general lighting purposes to electromagnetic disturbance. Requirements and test methods
Price: $139.00
GOST R 54992-2012
Lamps for household use. Methods for determination of energy efficiency
Price: $151.00
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