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29.100.20 Electrical and Electromechanical Components

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GOST 10390-2015
Electrical equipment for voltages 3 kV and higher. Test methods of electric strength of external insulation in conditions of contamination
Price: $349.00
GOST 15543-70
Electrical articles. Applications for different climatic regions. General technical requirements as to environment climatic aspects influence
Price: $283.00
GOST 15963-79
Electrical articles for tropical application. General technical requirements and methods of testing
Price: $777.00
GOST 16593-79
Electric drives. Terms and definitions
GOST 17412-72
Electrical articles for the cold climate regions. Technical requirements, acceptance and test methods
Price: $462.00
GOST 19348-82
Electro-technical items for agricultural purposes
Price: $201.00
GOST 20.39.312-85
Integrated system of general technical requirements. Electrotechnical equipments and components. Dependability requirements
Price: $381.00
GOST 23216-78
Electrotechnical products. Storage, transportation, temporary corrosion protection and packing. General requirements and test methods
Price: $348.00
GOST 24686-81
Equipment for manufacture of electronic and electrical products. General technical requirements. Marking, packing, transportation and preservation
Price: $622.00
GOST R 50030.4.1-2002
Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 4-1. Contactors and motor-starters. Electromechanical contactors and motor-starters
Price: $1,066.00
GOST R 50030.4.2-2012
Low-voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 4. Contactors and motor-starters. Section 2. AC semiconductor motor controllers and starters
Price: $1,259.00
OST 11-P0.322.000-72
Voltage regulators. Main parameters. Specifications.
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