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27.060.01 Burners and boilers in general

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GOST 28679-90
Steam-water heaters for heat supply systems
Price: $283.00
GOST 29310-92
Draft systems. Acoustic test methods
Price: $494.00
GOST 33863-2016
Energy efficiency. Heating equipment. Indicators of energy efficiency and determination methods
Price: $1,111.00
GOST 33864-2016
Energy efficiency. Heating equipment. Environmental security and ecological safety guaranteed design
Price: $542.00
GOST 9725-82
Centrifugal blow fans for boilers
Price: $217.00
GOST R 55170-2012
Steam and hot-water stationary boilers, heat recovery steam generators. Marking
Price: $79.00
GOST R 55171-2012
Stationary steam and hot-water boilers and heat recovery steam generators. Weld joints. Quality control. General requirements
Price: $132.00
GOST R 55173-2012
Boiler plant. General technical requirements
Price: $349.00
OST 51-91-83
Quality indicator system. Industrial oil-gas burners. Product indicators.
ST SEV 1064-78
Safety. Steam and hot water boilers. Steel castings
ST SEV 1065-78
Safety. Steam and hot water boilers. Iron castings
ST SEV 1714-79
Safety. Steam and hot water boilers. Forgings and stamping of alloyed and unalloyed steel
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