Phosphates fire protective wood coating. Technical requirements
Phosphates fire protective still coating. Technical requirements
Luminescent fire protective wood coating. Technical requirements
Luminescent fire protective steel coating. Technical requirements
Phosphates fire protective steel coating of the mineral fibres. Technical requirements
Hygienic coatings of containers used for food products transportation and storage. General technical requirements
Optics and photonics. Laser marking of metal products. Technological process
SHF instruments. Placing of electrically insulated coating on heaters. Typical technological process.
Light-absorbing blend membrane coatings. Typical application technological process.
Unified system for technological documentation. Rules for completion of documents on application of hardening coatings by detonation spraying.
Unified system for technological documentation. A typical technological process of ion-vacuum coating application on processing tools.
Oxidation of nichrome and constantan wire. Typical technological processes