25.100.30 Drills, countersinks, reamers

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GOST 10079-71
Tapered reamers with taper shank for Morse tapers. Design and dimensions
Price: $134.00
GOST 10080-71
Tertic taper reamers with 1:20 with tapered shank. Design and dimensions
Price: $168.00
GOST 10081-84
Machine tapered reamers, taper 1:50. Basic dimensions
Price: $151.00
GOST 10082-71
Taper reamers with taper 1:30 with tapered shank. Design and dimensions
Price: $118.00
GOST 10083-81
Taper reamers with taper shank
Price: $283.00
GOST 10902-77
Twist drills with straight shanks. Middle series. Basic dimensions
Price: $234.00
GOST 10903-77
Twist drills with taper shanks. Basic dimensions
Price: $168.00
GOST 11172-70
Extra long machine reamers. Design and dimensions
Price: $267.00
GOST 11173-76
Reamers with allowance for lapping. Tolerances
Price: $68.00
GOST 11176-71
Blade carbide tipped machine reamers. Design and dimensions
Price: $283.00
GOST 11177-84
Hand tapered reamers with cylindrical shank, taper 1:50. Basic dimensions
Price: $151.00
GOST 11179-71
1;10 Taper reamers. Design and dimensions
Price: $101.00
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