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25.040.20 Machines with numerical control

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GOST 12.2.119-88
Occupational safety standards system. Rotary and rotary conveyor automatic lines. General safety requirements
Price: $168.00
GOST 14334-87
Rotary and rotary conveyor automatic lines. Terms and definitions
Price: $201.00
GOST 20999-83
Numerical control units for metal-working machines. Part program data coding
Price: $478.00
GOST 21021-2000
Numerical control units. General technical requirements
Price: $349.00
GOST 21021-85
Digital programmed control devices
Price: $603.67
GOST 21608-76
Numerically controlled lathes. Basic parameters and dimensions
Price: $118.00
GOST 23597-79
Machine tools, numerically controlled. Designation of axis and motion directions. General statements
Price: $267.00
GOST 26642-85
Numerical control units for metalworking machines. External communication with machines
Price: $300.00
GOST 27053-86
Metal-cutting machine tools with programmed numerical control. Adjustable reducing bushings with internal morse cone and plain shank
Price: $151.00
GOST 27287-87
Machine with numerical control. Semi-finishing adjustable boring bars. Basic dimensions
Price: $118.00
GOST 27304-87
Metal-cutting machine tools with programmed numerical control
Price: $118.00
GOST 27792-88
Rotary and rotary conveyor automatic lines
Price: $250.00
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