Mechanization and automation of manufacturing processes in machine and instrument production. Basic terms, definitions and symbols
System of technical documentation for computer control systems. Requirements for the content of the document "Description of the statement of the problem"
System of technical documentation for computer control systems. General requirements for textual documents
Measure-computering complexes. Classification. General requirements
Interface for automated systems of dispersed plant control. General requirements
Flexible manufacturing systems. Terms and definitions, nomenclature of indices
Flexible manufacturing systems. Automated transport and storage systems. Classification and designation
Flexible manufacturing systems. Height for loading of technological equipment and automatic transfer-loading and storing systems
Test code for machine tools. Determination of accuracy and repeatability of positioning numerically controlled axes
Transfer machines. Terms and definitions
Safety of metal-working machine tools. Machining centres
Industrial automation systems and integration. Open technical dictionaries and their application to master data. Part 11. Guidelines for the formulation of terminology