Steel pipeline parts. Pipe movable supports. Types and main dimensions
Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. Sharply curved bends type 3D (R=1,5 DN). Design
Seamless welded steel pipeline components for Pn £ 10 MPa (£ 100 kgf/cm2). Sharply curved offsets. Design
Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. Tees. Design
Seamless welded steel pipeline components for Pn £ 10 MPa (£ 100 kgf/cm2). Tees. Design and dimensions
Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. Reducers. Design
Seamless welded steel pipeline components for Pn £ 10 MPa (£ 100 kgf/cm2). Reducers. Design and dimensions
Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. Elliptical caps. Design
Seamless welded steel pipeline components for Pn £ 10 MPa (£ 100 kgf/cm2). Elliptical pipe seals. Design and dimensions
Carbon and low-alloy steel butt-welding fittings. General specifications
Seamless welded steel pipeline components for Pn £ 10 MPa (£ 100 kgf/cm2). Specifications
Steel Pipeline Parts
Movable supports and suspensions