Hexagon nuts with thread diameter over 48 mm (standard precision). Design and dimensions
Hexagon nuts with thread diameter over 48 mm. Product grade B. Specifications
Hexagon castle nuts with thread diameter over 48 mm (Product grade B). Design and dimensions
Hexagon lock nuts with thread diameter over 48 mm (standard precision). Design and dimensions
Hexagon thin nuts (chamfered) with thread diameter over 48 mm. Product grade B. Specifications
Hexagon nuts with reduced width across flat with thread diameter over 48 mm (Product grade A). Design and dimensions
Hexagon castle nuts with reduced width across flat with thread diameter over 48 mm (Product grade A). Design and dimensions
Hexagon lock nuts with reduced width across flat with thread diameter over 48 mm (Product grade A). Design and dimensions
Round nuts slotted on face. Specifications
Blind nuts, product grade A. Construction and dimensions
Slotted round nuts, product grade A. Specifications
Slotted round nuts, product grade A. Specifications