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17.200.01 Thermodynamics in general

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GOST 9249-59
Normal temperature
Price: $68.00
GOST R 51649-2000
Heat meters for water heat supply systems. General specifications
Price: $139.00
GOST R 51649-2014
Heat meters for water heat supply systems. General specifications
Price: $117.00
GOST R 56942-2016
Automated measuring system of accountancy and control of thermal energy. General specifications
Price: $283.00
GOST R 58417-2019
Devices for the distribution of consumed thermal energy from indoor heaters. Devices with an autonomous source of power supply. Technical requirements
Price: $462.00
GOST R ISO 11092-2012
Textiles. Physiological effects. Measurements of thermal and water-vapour resistance under steady-state conditions (sweating guarded-hotplate test)
Price: $234.00
OST 51-127-84
Measurement with contact methods of temperature of combustion products in furnaces of power plants for research and commissioning. General provisions.
OST 51-142-86
Metrological support. Methods of measurement of temperature of the combustion products.
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