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17.180.01 Optics and optical measurements in general

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GOST 24286-88
Pulse photometry. Terms and definitions
Price: $283.00
GOST 26148-84
Photometry. Terms and definitions
Price: $494.00
GOST 28871-90
Line transmission path equipment of digital optical-fibre transmission systems. Methods of measuring basic parameters
Price: $201.00
GOST 7329-91
Chemical laboratory and electrovacuum glassware. Polarizable and optical method of path-length difference measuring
Price: $250.00
GOST 7601-78
Physical optics. Terms, letter symbols and definitions of basic quantities
Price: $316.00
GOST 8.023-2012
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means measuring continuous and pulse luminous radiation parameters
Price: $168.00
GOST 8.023-2014
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means measuring continuous and pulse luminous radiation parameters
Price: $184.00
GOST 8.557-2007
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for means measuring the spectral, integral and reduced regular transmittance and optical density within the wavelength range from 0,2 to 50,0 um, diffused and regular reflections within the wavelength range from 0,2 to 20,0 um
Price: $217.00
GOST 8.557-91
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring means of spectral, integral and reduced regular transmissivities within the wavelength ranges of 0.2-50.0 um, diffused and mirror reflections within the wavelength ranges of 0.2-20.0 um
Price: $217.00
GOST 8.583-2003
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of the refractive index of solid, liquid and gaseous medium
Price: $134.00
GOST 8.583-2011
State system for ensuring the uniformity of measurements. State verification schedule for measuring instruments of the refractive index
Price: $168.00
GOST R 50314-92
Optics. Reference wavelengths
Price: $134.00
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