17.040.30 Measuring instruments

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GOST 10071-89
Gauges for trapezoidal tread. Tolerances
Price: $234.00
GOST 10197-70
Stands and supports for measuring heads. Specifications
Price: $300.00
GOST 10278-81
Gages for buttress thread. Tolerances
Price: $234.00
GOST 10387-81
Measuring machines for checking fine pitch spur gears. Types. Basic dimensions, standards of accuracy
Price: $381.00
GOST 10653-84
Gauges for triangular thread of internal-external upset drill pipes with coup lings. Types, basic dimensions and tolerances
Price: $151.00
GOST 10654-81
Gauges for triangular thread for tubing pipes with couplings. Types. Basic dimensions and tolerances
Price: $134.00
GOST 10655-81
Gauges for triangular thread for casing pipes with couplings. Types. Basic dimensions and tolerances
Price: $134.00
GOST 10-88
Inside micrometers. Specifications
Price: $154.00
GOST 10905-86
Surface plates and face-plates. Specifications
Price: $201.00
GOST 10908-75
Mechanical quadrants with level. Specifications
Price: $300.00
GOST 11007-66
Measuring tips of apparatus for linear measurements. Specifications
Price: $234.00
GOST 11098-75
Gauge callipers with reading arrangement. Specifications
Price: $184.00
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