Sorted waste of industry of woollen and half-woollen textile materials. Specification
Sorted waste of used woolen and half-woolen textile materials. Specification
Non-ferrous metals and alloys scrap and waste. General specifications
Resources saving. Packaging. Requirements specific to manufacturing, composition, manufacturing of package
Resources saving. Packaging. Requirements for packaging recoverable by material recycling
Product quality ratings system. Textile sorted secondary raw materials and industrial sorted waste of textile materials. Quality characteristics nomenclature
Graded cotton textile consumption waste. Specifications
Graded cotton textile production waste. Specifications
Resources saving. Waste treatment. Characteristics of polyvinylchloride recyclates
Resources saving. Waste treatment. Characteristics of poly (ethylene terephthalate) (PET) recyclates
Equipment for collection and treatment of solid municipal waste. Terms and definitions
Equipment for utilization, neutralization and disposal of solid municipal waste. Terms and definitions