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11.100.01 Laboratory drugs in general

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GOST ISO 17593-2011
Clinical laboratory testing and in vitro medical devices. Requirements for in vitro monitoring systems for self-testing of oral anticoagulant therapy
Price: $915.00
GOST R 52905-2007
Medical laboratories. Requirements for safety
Price: $684.00
GOST R 55991.1-2014
In vitro diagnostics medical devices. Part 1. Automatic analysers for biochemical assays. Technical requirements for public procurement
Price: $283.00
GOST R 55991.2-2014
In vitro diagnostics medical devices. Part 2. Automatic analyser for immunoassays. Technical requirements for public procurement
Price: $283.00
GOST R 55991.3-2014
In vitro diagnostics medical devices. Part 3. Automatic analysers for bimolecular assays. Technical requirements for public procurement
Price: $267.00
GOST R 55991.4-2014
In vitro diagnostics medical devices. Part 4. Automatic analysers for coagulation tests. Technical requirements for public procurement
Price: $283.00
GOST R 55992.1-2014
In vitro diagnostic medical devices for fluorescent and immunofluorescent analysis of «dried spot» of newborn’s blood. Part 1. Instruments and accessories for fluorescent and immunofluorescent analysis of «dried spot» of newborn’s blood. Technical requirements for state to buy in
Price: $316.00
GOST R 55992.2-2014
In vitro diagnostic medical devices for fluorescent and immunofluorescent analysis of «dried spot» of newborn’s blood. Part 2. Consumables (kits of reagents) for fluorescent and immunofluorescent analysis of «dried spot» of newborn’s blood. Technical requirements for state to buy in
Price: $446.00
GOST R 56395-2015
Medical laboratories. Reduction of errors through risk management and continual improvement
Price: $283.00
GOST R 57003-2016
Diagnostics in oncology. Diagnostic algorithms. Solid intrathoracic tumors. Laboratory stage
Price: $349.00
GOST R 57004-2016
Diagnostics in oncology. Diagnostic algorithm. Cervix. Laboratory stage
Price: $349.00
GOST R 57005-2016
Diagnostics in oncology. Screening. Cervical cancer
Price: $478.00
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