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03.100.10 Purchasing. Blanks. Logistics

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GOST R 54087-2010
Integrated logistic support. Quality assurance and approval of electronic interactive maintenance and repair documents. Basic principles and general requirements
Price: $217.00
GOST R 54088-2010
Integrated logistic support. Interactive electronic maintenance and repair documents. General principles and basic requirements
Price: $510.00
GOST R 54089-2010
Integrated Logistic Support. Product Electronic Dossier. General principles
Price: $283.00
GOST R 54090-2010
Integrated logistic support. Electronic lists and catalogues of provisioning items. Basic principles and general requirements
Price: $526.00
GOST R 56876.1-2016
Manual on good business practices between retail chains and consumer product suppliers. Part 1. Terms and definitions
Price: $184.00
GOST R 57118-2016
Intermodal transportations. Terms and definitions
Price: $267.00
GOST R 59186-2020
Integrated logistics support for military products. Recommendations for use
Price: $637.00
GOST R 59282-2020
Warehouse management systems. Functional requirements
Price: $446.00
OST 63-31-80
Labour safety standard system. Labour safety office. Requirements for the establishment and organization of the office work.
OST 63-40-83
Labour safety standard system. Labour safety worker training at enterprises and organization of USSR Gosnab system.
OST 63-45-84
Occupational safety standards system. Labour safety day. Conducting procedure.
OST 63-47-84
Occupational safety standards system. Industrial processes at the enterprises of products supply of the USSR State Logistics Committee. Safety requirements.
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