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03.060 Finance. Banking. Monetary systems. Insurance

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GOST R 50809-95
Numbering and metrological ensuring of identification cards for financial settlements
Price: $217.00
GOST R 51702.1-2000
Insurance. Procedure for organizing and carrying out competitive selection of insurance organizations
Price: $168.00
GOST R 51702.2-2000
Insurance. Classification of insurance prevention expenses
Price: $168.00
GOST R 56042-2014
Standards of financial transactions. Two-dimensional barcode symbols for payments by individuals
Price: $414.00
GOST R 57580.1-2017
Security of Financial (banking) Operations. Information Protection of Financial Organizations. Basic Set of Organizational and Technical Measures
Price: $472.00
GOST R 57580.2-2018
Security of financial (banking) operations. Information protection of financial organizations. Conformity assessment methods
Price: $478.00
GOST R 57580.3-2022
Security of financial (banking) operations. Managing the risk of implementation of information threats and ensuring operational reliability. General provisions
Price: $1,712.00
GOST R 57580.4-2022
Security of financial (banking) operations. Ensuring operational reliability. Basic composition of organizational and technical measures
Price: $946.00
GOST R 71114-2023
System of standards for implementation of climate projects. Methodology for calculation of greenhouse gas mass flow rate in a gas stream
GOST R 71115-2023
System of standards for implementation of climate projects. Methodology for quantification of greenhouse gas leakage emissions associated with fossil fuel extraction and transportation
GOST R ISO 14030-1-2022
Assessment of environmental performance. Green debt instruments. Part 1. Green Bond Mechanism
Price: $349.00
GOST R ISO 14030-2-2023
Environmental performance measurement. Green debt instruments. Part 2. Green Credit Facility
Price: $349.00
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