01.120 Standardization. General rules

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GOST 1.0-2015
Interstate system for standardization. Basic principles
Price: $102.00
GOST 1.0-92
State System for Standardization of Russian Federation. Basic principles
Price: $162.00
GOST 1.1-2002
Interstate system for standardization. Terms and definitions
Price: $669.00
GOST 1.13-85
State system of standardization. The procedure for accounting, storage and restoration of originals, duplicates of industry and republican standards
GOST 1.15-85
State system of standartization. Procedure for checking, revision, amendment and cancellation of standards
GOST 1.18-85
State system of standartization. Contents and presentation of branch and republic standartards files
Price: $350.95
GOST 1.19-85
State standardization system. Procedure of state registration of branch and republican standards of the soviet union republic
Price: $309.25
GOST 1.20-85
State system of standardization. Procedure inculcation of standards
Price: $490.81
GOST 1.2-2009
Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, application, renovation and cancellation
Price: $478.00
GOST 1.2-2015
Interstate System for Standardization. Interstate standards. Rules for development, taking over, renovation and cancellation
Price: $478.00
GOST 1.22-85
State system of standardization. Procedure for developing standards and specifications on export products
Price: $660.97
GOST 1.25-76
State system of standardization. Metrological assurance. General
Price: $699.56
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