Instructions for compiling and publishing catalogs of geodetic points
Instructions on the procedure for the development and approval of regulatory technical and methodological acts for the production of topographic and geodetic works in the territory of the Russian Federation
State standardization system. General principles
State system of standardization. The procedure for accounting, storage and restoration of originals, duplicates of industry and republican standards
State system of standartization. Procedure for checking, revision, amendment and cancellation of standards
State standardization system. Procedure of state registration of branch and republican standards of the soviet union republic
State standardization system. The order of introduction of state standards. General principles
State system of standardization. Procedure inculcation of standards
Interstate system for standardization. Interstate standards, rules and recommendations on interstate standardization. Rules for development, taking over, application, renovation and cancellation
Interstate System for Standardization. Interstate standards. Rules for development, taking over, renovation and cancellation
State system of standardization. Procedure for developing standards and specifications on export products
State standardization system. The order of development and approval of state and industry standards