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2.4 Safety valves

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GOST 12.2.085-2002
Vessels working under pressure. Safety valves. Safety requirements
Price: $124.00
GOST 12.2.085-2017
Pipeline valves. Safety valves. Selection and calculation of capacity
Price: $508.00
GOST 24570-81
Safety valves of stream and hot-water boilers. Technical requirements
Price: $217.00
GOST 26304-84
Industrial pipeline valves supplied
Price: $168.00
GOST 31294-2005
Direct-acting safety valves. General specifications
Price: $328.00
GOST 32503-2013
Petroleum and natural gas industries. Drilling and production equipment. Subsurface barrier valves and related equipment. General technical requirements
Price: $793.00
GOST 9544-2015
Pipeline valves. Leakage rates of valves
Price: $499.00
GOST ISO 10417-2014
Oil and gas industry. Systems of well safety valves. Design, installation, maintenance and repair. General specifications
Price: $574.00
GOST ISO 10432-2014
Oil and gas industry. Downhole equipment. The downhole safety valve with accessories. General specifications
Price: $1,051.00
GOST R 50402-2011
Equipment used in gas welding, cutting and allied processes. Safety devices for fuel gases and oxygen or compressed air. Technical requirements and tests
Price: $283.00
GOST R 54823-2011
Pressure regulators and associated safety devices for gas appliances. Pressure regulators for inlet pressures above 50 kPa up to and including 500 kPa
Price: $669.24
GOST R 55682.10-2013
Water-tube boilers and auxiliary installations. Part 10. Requirements for safeguards against excessive pressure
Price: $102.00
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