Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation
Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation for openings reinforcement
Design calculations and strength testing in machine building. Standards, technical documentation and manuals. General regulations
Strength calculation and testing. Representation of random loading of machine elements and structures and statistical evaluation of results
Methods of mechanical testing of metals
Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of compression testing
Strength calculation and testing. Methods of fatigue strength behaviour calculation
Design, calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Method of testing on the low cycle fatigue at heat mechanical loading
Design, calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of metals. Determination of fracture toughness characteristics under the static loading
Strength calculation and testing in machine building. Methods of fatigue testing under service loading. General requirements
Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for tensile properties on plane specimens at normal, elevated and law temperatures
Design calculation and strength testing. Methods of mechanical testing of polymeric composite materials. Test for compression properties at normal, elevated and low temperatures