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8.2.3 Design for seismic strength

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GOST 30546.1-98
General requirements for machines, instruments and other industrial products and calculation methods for their complex structures as to seismic stability
Price: $274.00
GOST 30546.2-98
Seismic stability tests for machines, instruments and other industrial products. General guidance and test methods
Price: $191.00
GOST 30546.3-98
Methods for determination of seismic stability of machines, instruments and other industrial products mounted at the place of use at their attestation and certification for seismic safety.
Price: $147.00
GOST R 55596-2013
District heating systems. Standard for the stress and seismic analysis
Price: $1,274.00
GOST R 55722-2013
Vessels and apparatus. Stress analysis code. Seismic analysis
Price: $392.00
PB 03-583-03
Rules for Development, Production and Application of Membranous Safety Equipment
Price: $311.00
SA 03-004-07
Calculation of the strength of vessels and apparatus
Stressing and vibration calculation of steel industrial pipelines.
Price: $498.00
STO SA 03.003-2009
Vessels and apparatus. Norms and methods of strength calculation. Calculation of seismic effects
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