Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2. Tests. Test Fc and guidance: Vibration ( sinusoidal )
Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise sources using sound intensity. Measurement at discrete points. Engineering method
General requirements for machines, instruments and other industrial products and calculation methods for their complex structures as to seismic stability
Seismic stability tests for machines, instruments and other industrial products. General guidance and test methods
Methods for determination of seismic stability of machines, instruments and other industrial products mounted at the place of use at their attestation and certification for seismic safety.
Mechanical environment stability test methods for machines, instruments and other industrial products. Tests for influences of vibration
Test methods for resistance to environmental factors of machines, instruments and other articles. Time-history vibration tests
Vibration and shock. Measurement and evaluation of human exposure to whole-body vibration. Part 1. General requirеments
Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of noise from air-terminal devices, air-terminal units, dampers and valves by measurement in a reverberation room
Acoustics. Determination of sound power levels of air distribution equipment, dampers and dampers in a reverberation room
Process piping. Standard for the stress, vibration and seismic analysis
Pipeline valves. Methods of control and testing