Non-destructive testing. Capillary methods. General requirements
Non-destructive testing. Acoustic methods. General principles
Radiation methods of defectoscopy
Non-destructive testing. Fusion welding of metals. Welds classification by radiography testing results
Non-destructive testing. Forgings from ferrous and non-ferrous metals. Ultrasonic methods of slow defection
Non-destructive testing. Welded joints of tubing. Magnetographic method
Fusion welding of metals. Statistical quality evaluation by non-destructive testing results
Non-destructive testing. Fluorescent method of leak testing
Steel. Non-destructive testing of mechanical properties and microstructure of steel products by magnetic method
Non-destructive testing. Safety measures for leakage testing. General requirements
Product-quality index system. Nondectructive testing instruments. Nomenclature of indices
Nondestructive testing. Welded joints. Radiography method