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Regulations and standards (to 036/2016 TR EAEC)

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GOST 10679-76
Liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Method for determination of the hydrocarbon compound
Price: $87.00
GOST 14921-78
Liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Methods of sampling
Price: $79.00
GOST 20448-90
Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases for domestic use. Specifications
Price: $87.00
GOST 22387.5-2014
Gas for domestic and public use. Methods for determination of odour intensity
Price: $139.00
GOST 22985-90
Liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Method for determination of hydrogen sulphide and mercaptan
Price: $250.00
GOST 27578-87
Liquefied hydrocarbon gases for motor transport gases
Price: $151.00
GOST 28656-90
Liquefied hydrocarbon gases. Calculation method for density and saturated vapours pressure
Price: $184.00
GOST 33012-2014
Propane and butane for sale. Determination of the hydrocarbon composition by gas chromatography
Price: $606.00
GOST 34858-2022
Liquefied hydrocarbon fuel gases. Technical conditions
Price: $510.00
GOST EN 589-2014
Fuels for internal combustion engines. Liquefied petroleum gases. Technical requirements and test methods
Price: $283.00
GOST ISO 4256-2013
Liquefied petroleum gases. Determination of gauge vapour pressure. Method LPG
Price: $283.00
GOST ISO 4257-2013
Liquefied petroleum gases. Method of sampling
Price: $151.00
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