On Amendments to the Decision of the Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission of December 25, 2018 N 219
On Amendments to the Unified Quarantine Phytosanitary Requirements for Quarantine Products and Entities on the Customs Border and Customs Territory of the Eurasian Economic Union
On Amendments to paragraph 3 of the Decision of the Customs Union Commission on December 9, 2011 N 877
The list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis to ensure compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles". (TR CU 018/2011), and a list of international and regional (interstate) standards, and in their absence - national (state) standards containing the rules and methods of research (tests) and measurements, including sampling rules necessary for the application and implementation of the requirements of technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of wheeled vehicles" (TR CU 018/2011) (TR CU 018/2011) and conformity assessment of objects of technical regulation
On the procedure for enactment of amendments to the technical regulation of the Customs Union "On safety of milk and dairy products" (TR CU 033/2013)
On Amendments to the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 N 877
On Amendments to the Decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission of August 19, 2022 N 120
On Amendments to the Decision of the Customs Union Commission of December 9, 2011 N 877
On approval of the list of products for which the submission of the customs declaration is accompanied by a document about the conformity assessment requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "Technical Regulations on Tobacco Products" (TR CU 035/2014)
On Amendments to the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union "On the Safety of Wheeled Vehicles (TRS 018/2011)
About the Program for the development (amendment, revision) of interstate standards, the application of which on a voluntary basis ensures compliance with the technical regulations of the Customs Union
On draft decision of the Council of the Eurasian Economic Commission "On Amendments to Annex 2 to Technical Regulation of the Customs Union" On the safety of wheeled vehicles "(TR CU 018/2011)