Manual for impulse and low consumption fire extinguishing systems
Guidelines for the use of modern materials in the mating pavement with the expansion joints of bridge structures
On the approval of the criteria for classifying bridges, overpasses, overpasses, viaducts and tunnels on highways of all forms of ownership, the rightholders of which are organizations in respect of which the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation coordinates and regulates activities, to critical facilities
Aspiration smoke-sensitive alarms VESDA. Part 1. Scope
Technical guidelines for the installation of a thiokol waterproofing on spans for railway bridges under construction in the Northern Climate Construction Zone
Parameters of Wind Loads Applied to Slopes of River Transportation Structures
Guidelines for hydraulic insulation of structures of bridges and pipes in railway, automobile and city roads
Technical Guidelines for the Design and Erection of Span Structures of Road and Urban Street Bridges with Pavement Constructed of Reinforced Concrete Slabs Without Applied Waterproofing