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13.020.55 Bioproduction

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GOST R 59415-2021
Biological safety. Landfill gas collection system at municipal solid waste landfills, consisting of special vertical gas wells. General specifications
Price: $267.00
GOST R 59416-2021
Biological safety. High-temperature flare installations for landfill gas neutralization with a preliminary drying and gas cleaning system. General specifications
Price: $217.00
GOST R 59417-2021
Biological safety. Determination of the biogas potential of municipal solid waste landfills with the pumping of biogas from vertical wells and utilization in a flare unit. General specifications
Price: $217.00
GOST R 59418-2021
Biological safety. Treatment of sewage, industrial, surface water and leachate of municipal solid waste landfills on the basis of reverse osmosis. General specifications
Price: $283.00
GOST R 59419-2021
Biological safety. A bolt-top system for strengthening the steep slopes of solid municipal waste landfills with metal gratings. General specifications
Price: $201.00
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