Automobile roads of general use. Visibility distance. Methods of measurement
Public roads. Rules for design of motor roads
Public roads. Deicing materials. Technical specifications
Public roads. Deicing materials. Test methods
Road surface treatment machines. Safety requirements
Road construction machines. Asphalt mixing plants. Safety requirements
Equipment for the construction and maintenance of roads. Asphalt mixing plants. Terminology and trade specifications
Equipment for construction and maintenance of roads. Spreaders / sprayers of the lower bituminized pavement layer. Terminology and performance characteristics
The equipment for road construction and operation. Road machinery for crushing. Terminology and commercial specifications
Equipment for the construction and maintenance of roads. Soil stabilizers. Terminology and trade specifications
Road structures and equipment for maintenance. Machines for paving with sliding formwork. Definitions and specifications
Machinery and equipment for road construction and road maintenance. Main types. Identification and description