91.100.40 Fiber-reinforced cement products

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GOST 11310-90
Asbestos cement pipes and couplings. Methods of test
Price: $283.00
GOST 16233-70
Asbestos-cement wavy sheets of uniform profile and parts for them
GOST 16233-77
Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of unified profile and details for them
Price: $717.69
GOST 18124-2012
Chrysotile cement sheets are flat. Technical conditions
Price: $414.00
GOST 18124-75
Asbestos cement flat sheets
Price: $532.25
GOST 18124-95
Asbestos cement flat sheets. Specifications
Price: $201.00
GOST 1839-80
Asbestos cement pipes and couplings for non-pressure pipe lines. Specifications
Price: $234.00
GOST 20430-84
Asbestos-cement corrugated sheets of middle profile and details for them
GOST 22753-77
Preparation of surfaces of building structures for painting and wallpapering. Typical technological processes
GOST 22844-77
Typical technological processes. Painting the surfaces of building structures inside buildings with aqueous solutions
GOST 23305-78
Typical technological processes. Pasting of surfaces of building structures with paper wallpaper
GOST 24986-81
Asbestos cement corrugated sheets of high profile 51/177 specifications
Price: $431.24
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